prepper arguements

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Disobedience is the true foundation of liberty...
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Apr 5, 2010
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JuneBug OKLA
Take it from someone who has lived a lot of life, acquired plenty of experience in the process, and then attained two degrees after he was 40 years old; intelligence and degrees rarely equates to being wise. Age, maturity and experience will serve you better. Prep for him and continue the dialog and I bet he'll eventually come around. It honestly sounds like he hasn't had an awaking experience yet; that one thing he reads, sees or witnesses that turns the lights on. It takes awhile for some of us and when it happens you can always reserve the right to say "I told you so son, welcome to the group", with a smile of course. Greece does not have the ability to print their own money like the US so they cannot stave off their debt collectors. The US can print at will, so our harm will come from the devaluation of our currency followed by hyperinflation. He may be correct in thinking that the shelves will be stocked, but who cares if they are stocked with bread that costs $100 bucks a loaf. Whenever you as a father see something that is so convicting of your beliefs, as to why you are preparing, be sure to share those examples with him. If they really mean that much to father, then eventually the son will catch the fever.


Special Hen
Jan 15, 2011
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?...If China ever stops buying our dollars, look out, this could un-ravel in a hurry.....

Actually, they already have stopped buying our bonds at anywhere near the levels they were in the past. The FED has started buying the bonds directly from the Treasury to the tune of nearly a half trillion a year. BTW, this process is called 'monetizing the debt' and it has become necessary the last three to four years at increasing levels since foreigners are refusing the opportunity to lend us money. It has, and will continue to do so, increase the cost of imported goods and services. The only thing keeping the imports from sky rocketing in price is China holds its currency artificially low to keep it favorable against the dollar. But that has started to backfire on the Chinese as domestic inflation is causing them problems now. The Euro also has its own collective problems of debt keeping their growth stifled as well. Eventually, if we devalue our currency enough our problems should be pushed off shore and our manufacturing and jobs should increase, at least in theory, and if we don't push the world into a depression in the process. That usually leads to nationalist movements, dictators, and eventually wars.


Special Hen
May 26, 2011
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When I first started prepping, my wife thought I was crazy. Of course I tried to tell her I was right and she was wrong, but this only lead to arguments. I'm a guy, so of course I did this a few times before I realized I was doing it wrong. If I wanted to get my wife involved, I couldn't just throw it at her and tell her it was necessary. She wasn't having it. I decided instead, to start with something she might like doing.

For instance, gardening. She liked having plants but never really had a vegetable garden. She's a teacher and has summer's off, so the idea of having something to occupy her time was well accepted. To make a long story short, she went from gardening, to canning, to buying a few extra things at the wal-mart each time she goes for storing, to going to the range with me to learn proper weapon manipulation. Baby steps is definitely the way to go. Hopefully you can find something that your son likes, to relate with and get him on the path of prepping on his own. Worse comes to worse, good ol Dad is looking out for him. By the way, I'm 27 and my wife is 26 for reference.


Special Hen
Dec 1, 2012
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This is the exact approach I had to take with my girlfriend.

I have found that most of those around me whom are younger just do not get it.

Even my banker just could not understand the possibility that the internet, computers and infastructure could crash and that an economic crash could happen too. As I talked to him about the senarios he started to come around to how easy it could happen.

When I first started prepping, my wife thought I was crazy. Of course I tried to tell her I was right and she was wrong, but this only lead to arguments. I'm a guy, so of course I did this a few times before I realized I was doing it wrong. If I wanted to get my wife involved, I couldn't just throw it at her and tell her it was necessary. She wasn't having it. I decided instead, to start with something she might like doing.

For instance, gardening. She liked having plants but never really had a vegetable garden. She's a teacher and has summer's off, so the idea of having something to occupy her time was well accepted. To make a long story short, she went from gardening, to canning, to buying a few extra things at the wal-mart each time she goes for storing, to going to the range with me to learn proper weapon manipulation. Baby steps is definitely the way to go. Hopefully you can find something that your son likes, to relate with and get him on the path of prepping on his own. Worse comes to worse, good ol Dad is looking out for him. By the way, I'm 27 and my wife is 26 for reference.

Danny Tanner

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2010
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Edmond, Oklahoma, United States
Even FEMA suggests that citizens have prep rations. Being in Oklahoma where we have a high risk of natural disasters, it's stupid to not have some sort of preparation plans in place. Whether or not you need a nuclear fallout shelter is up to the individual's finances, concerns and space, but all of us absolutely need something.


Special Hen
Jul 25, 2007
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My wife came around after the freak snow storm we had a few years ago. At that time she was pregnant and stranded for hours on end with a flat tire in 2 feet of snow. I unfortunately was stranded at work during her incident and was unable to help her. After that she has come around and thinks being over prepared is better than not being prepared at all.


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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 21, 2011
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mcalester, oklahoma
rmark, i might not of explained it to the dust bowl reference, no one could go crops, that is why my great grandparents and grandparents went to california. It is a proven fact that FDR had millions of hogs slaughtered to keep price of hogs higher instead of feeding it to people who were hungry cause they couldnt grow a garden, no grass for livestock.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
One of the good things about "prepping" is that, other than your spouse or significant other, you don't have to argue with or convince anyone else in regards to the virtue of the endeavor.

Do it, don't make a show of it, and let the chips fall where they may for everyone else.


Special Hen
May 26, 2011
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One of the good things about "prepping" is that, other than your spouse or significant other, you don't have to argue with or convince anyone else in regards to the virtue of the endeavor.

Do it, don't make a show of it, and let the chips fall where they may for everyone else.

True. Convincing her was tough enough.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
When I first started prepping, my wife thought I was crazy. Of course I tried to tell her I was right and she was wrong, but this only lead to arguments. I'm a guy, so of course I did this a few times before I realized I was doing it wrong. If I wanted to get my wife involved, I couldn't just throw it at her and tell her it was necessary. She wasn't having it. I decided instead, to start with something she might like doing.

For instance, gardening. She liked having plants but never really had a vegetable garden. She's a teacher and has summer's off, so the idea of having something to occupy her time was well accepted. To make a long story short, she went from gardening, to canning, to buying a few extra things at the wal-mart each time she goes for storing, to going to the range with me to learn proper weapon manipulation. Baby steps is definitely the way to go. Hopefully you can find something that your son likes, to relate with and get him on the path of prepping on his own. Worse comes to worse, good ol Dad is looking out for him. By the way, I'm 27 and my wife is 26 for reference.

This is the exact approach I had to take with my girlfriend.

I have found that most of those around me whom are younger just do not get it.

Even my banker just could not understand the possibility that the internet, computers and infastructure could crash and that an economic crash could happen too. As I talked to him about the senarios he started to come around to how easy it could happen.

:lookaroun Something similar may or may not have happened at our house ... :teehee:

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