Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act (H.R. 1865)

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Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
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Ladies and Gentlemen,

Start your computers humming, the legislative season is upon us in an election year. Make all those representatives, local, state and federalies hear from you on the issues. Its sad when a state senator says that when he hears from 20-30 people that it means a lot to him about how people feel about the issues.

Only the squeaky wheels get the grease!


Legislation Will Protect Gun Rights on Army Corps of Engineers Land
Wednesday, 24 August 2011 12:17

Gun Owners of America is working with several members of Congress to repeal a gun ban on land controlled by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.

Currently, guns are prohibited on Corps land, even when firearms possession is otherwise allowed by state law. Rep. Bob Gibbs (R-OH) introduced legislation-the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act (H.R. 1865)-to allow state law to govern firearms possession.

You may recall that in July, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) offered similar language as an amendment to an appropriations bill. Gosar’s amendment passed the House on a voice vote, but its fate is uncertain as it heads to the Senate.

The Gibbs bill, as well as the Gosar amendment, is modeled after a similar measure that became law in 2009 affecting National Park Service land. Army Corps of Engineers land was not part of that bill, something the Corps was quick to point out after that law took affect.

The Corps said, in a statement: “Public Law 111-024 does not apply to Corps projects of facilities . . . [and the Army Corps] will continue to prohibit loaded concealed weapons on Corps properties regardless of the new law and notwithstanding any contrary provisions of state law.”

Rep. Gibbs’ bill will reverse the Corps’ decision.

“The Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act is a bipartisan effort to restore Second Amendment rights to law-abiding citizens while they are legally camping, hunting, and fishing on the 11.7 million acres of Army Corps recreational property,” Gibbs said. “Families and sportsmen taking advantage of this federal land should not have to worry that their legally obtained concealed weapon permit is invalid.”

Gun Owners of America applauds the efforts of Reps. Gibbs and Gosar, and will continue to push for repeal of the gun ban affecting over 400 lake and river projects, 90,000 campsites and 4,000 miles of trails controlled by the Army Corps of Engineers.

ACTION: Please contact your Representative and urge him or her to cosponsor H.R. 1865, the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act.

Click here to send a prewritten message to your Representative.
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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 8, 2008
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Sand Springs
The NPS firearms law by Coburn is as worthless as tits on tomcat! You can't go in any building armed/concealed because of the presence of federal employees. The law was written with loopholes that the regulation writers drove trucks through. More sound and fury, signifying nothing -- just like what is being proposed, no matter the letters written.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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The NPS firearms law by Coburn is as worthless as tits on tomcat! You can't go in any building armed/concealed because of the presence of federal employees. The law was written with loopholes that the regulation writers drove trucks through. More sound and fury, signifying nothing -- just like what is being proposed, no matter the letters written.

Yes - not being able to go into building while armed is a bad aspect of the NPS law. I assume it will be the same for Corps of Engineer's offices if this passes. But it is a whole lot better than nothing and well worth your time to send a message to your representative asking him to cosponsor it. Super easy to send the message using the link above.


Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
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The NPS firearms law by Coburn is as worthless as tits on tomcat! You can't go in any building armed/concealed because of the presence of federal employees. The law was written with loopholes that the regulation writers drove trucks through. More sound and fury, signifying nothing -- just like what is being proposed, no matter the letters written.

Yeah, I don't go to many NPS buildings but I do go to Corp land and lakes almost every summer weekend.

And it is your second amendment rights, fight for them or forget them.



Special Hen
Jan 8, 2008
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1st District, Oklahoma

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Congress of the United States, House of Representatives, Washington, DC 20515


Vice Chairman-Subcommitee on Energy and Power

Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations

Subcommittee on Environment and the Economy

September 6, 2011

Dear EFsDad,

Thank you for contacting me regarding H.R. 1865, the Recreational Lands Self-Defense Act. I appreciate you contacting me about your thoughts and I welcome the opportunity to respond.

As you may know, after legislation was signed into law that allows an individual to possess a firearm in any unit of the National Park Service or National Wildlife Refuge System, it was discovered that regulations were still in place prohibiting the right to bear arms on lands owned and operated by the Army Corps of Engineers (USACE). USACE owns 7.6 million acres or 11,800 square miles and manages another 4.1 million acres of land, making it the largest federal provider of water-based outdoor recreation in the nation. USACE property includes 400 lakes and river projects, 90,000 campsites and 4,000 miles of trails.

I firmly believe the Second Amendment prohibits the federal government from denying citizens the right to bear arms. As a member of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus, I agree that gun owners need to be able to exercise their Second Amendment rights when they are legally camping, hunting, and fishing on Army Corps property. H.R. 1865 would prohibit the Secretary of the Army from enforcing any regulation that keeps an individual from possessing firearms on a USACE Water Resource Development project. Currently, this bill has been referred to the Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure. Please know that should it come to the House floor for a vote, it would have my support.

Again, thank you for contacting me to share your thoughts on this important issue. It is an honor to serve you in Washington and Oklahoma. If you would like more information on issues, or would like to share your thoughts with me via e-mail, you may visit my website at Please do not hesitate to contact me again should you have further concerns on federal legislation or programs.
John Sullivan
Member of Congress

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