Taking my kid shooting on Black Friday. Got him and my daughter pink and blue crickets (laminate) for christmas last year. He is six, she is 8. I think she has the concept of iron sights down, but he doesnt. Thought it would make it more fun for him if he got to actually shoot and hit something this time around. First thing is trying to find if H&H can answer their damn phone so I can see if they have the scope base. Second is whether or not to get a red dot or a cheap 4x32 scope. Academy has BSA in both that seem decent enough for a single shot rimfire. I thought about the cricket scope as well, found some similiar scopes a lot cheaper on amazon than the cricket brand scope, appear to be the same scope, branded diffent (AIM sports?) mixed reviews. I tend to overanalyze things and for the life of me, can't decide which to get, and what would be best for a kid? Thinking the red dot might be best, and I can use it on my Mark III as well. Hope to get a 22/45 setup for some steel gun challenge too! Might save me a few bucks sharing the optic.