The 5 deer were shot off my deer lease thanksgiving between 830-9pm. I drove up today and found 3 dead deer in my field so obviously I was furious and called game warden. The guys down the road heard about 10 shots and called it in. Game warden said he found 5, 2 does, 2 yearling does and 1 button buck. He said he went back friday nighg and busted someone spotlighting our field. Said hes pretty sure it was same scumbags and he had a pretty good case and several charges on them so hopefully that will curtail some of the problem. Said there were a few things that made him think they possily involved in shooting the 3 bucks a couple weeks ago but not for sure.
It was one of the most disgusting wasteful thing ive seen and I hope they have enough of a case to really put a bite into these guys.
That's no good TJ sorry to hear, at least hopefully some progress was made in nailing them.