Scumbag Poachers

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Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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something i haven't seen talked about in this thread yet, safety when confronting individuals that (a. are armed)( b. outnumber the offended). for God's sake be careful. i am on board with the general consensus of this forum on the touble with poachers. but a deer, any deer, is not worth losing your life for. if you absolutley feel like you must talk to the poachers, try to have back up of some kind.(another person (armed)), a video recorder, a game camera, your cell phone recording it, something. otherwise without witness of some kind , you run into the way wrong poacher and you r family may never know the truth. be careful and to he77 with poachers.

Sticky Stokes

Special Hen
Aug 15, 2012
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Bahahaha! That's awesome Roosta! and ballsy... I wish I could have seen that....hope you were blasting those old country tunes via your satellite radio.....
I bet they were pissed, serves them right, jackwagon fence sitters. We have one at my farm, put his box blind a foot from the fence line so he could look into our food plot. He's an older guy, killed a little basket 9 point last week that came off my farm into a wheat field. I am not mad about that, he had the right to do it, its just that he set up so close to the fence line, he is only hunting five acres but he could have put it at the other end. My buddy said he was a really nice guy though, was so excited over that 9 point that he could hardly talk.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Roos7a if you need any help, I have a drag 4 wheeler that is particularly cold natured. Lol. I would park old equipment in front of there ground blinds. You could also get a propane crow gun and set it up within yards of there ground blind on your side of the fence.


Special Hen
Jan 25, 2006
Reaction score
Sand Springs
South end of the ranch I hunt borders some real **** heads. They have chairs and ground blinds that line the fence facing in to hay meadows on the ranch, they are blatantly obvious what they are doing and don't even try to hide it. Pissed me off more than anything but there is little I can do about it. I hung no trespassing signs all up and down the fence and they weren't there a week before being torn down by the **** heads. I have never been able to catch them out there, until Saturday. I was out checking a camera Saturday afternoon and I heard a 4w coming from the **** heads area, so I jumped on mine and made a bee line for them. I pulled up and gave them a howdy, trying to start off friendly and civilly. I introduced myself and asked their names. Immediately they hopped on the defense and would not tell me their names. This did not sit well with me, so I tuned on my inner Richard Cranium. I asked if the chairs belonged to them, they denied it and said it belonged to other family on the property. So I asked if his whole family was a bunch of **** head poachers, or just him? Let him know I did not appreciate them destroying my signs and shooting onto my side of the fence, and if I caught him doing it I was calling the warden. We exchanged a few pleasantries, and I left. Sunday morning I had a suspicion they would be right back there, so I sacrificed my hunt Sunday to piss the **** heads off. I get to the ranch at first light and pull my truck 40 yards in front of their ground blind, with my windows down and music blaring. Enjoy a couple of songs then I get out to unload. Man those ramps were heavy, I just could not keep a grip on them and they kept banging my tailgate over and over and over. I decided to let my four wheeler warm up extra long this morning, with lots of revving it up. I let this show go on four about 20 minutes. I can only imagine what the **** head's blood temperature was at, but I bet it was about to boil. I start a ride down the fence line and came across another **** head in a tree stand on the fence line. This tree stand is completely surrounded by timber on his side. There is no possible way he could shoot more than 20 feet in any direction on his side of the fence, but facing my hay meadows he could shoot for 200 yards. My four wheeler was starting to feel cold or something, so I pulled underneath his tree stand to rev it up and let it get some good idling in while I enjoyed my coffee. Did a few laps out in front of him, then came up and parked 15 yards from his tree stand. He finally had enough and packed up his stuff and left. There is nothing I can legally do to them because they are on their side of the fence. But there is nothing they can do to me for practicing wheelies and drag racing my four wheeler 10 feet from their stands. Stupid **** heads.

I don't agree with anything your neighbors are doing, but you do realize what you are doing could very easily be considered hunter harassment right?


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
I don't agree with anything your neighbors are doing, but you do realize what you are doing could very easily be considered hunter harassment right?

I don't have any reason do doubt Roos7a, so if the stand setups are exactly as said, I doubt the hunters would have any game warden in Oklahoma right a ticket for disturbing/disrupting a lawful hunt.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
All I am saying is if they did call it would be him getting in trouble because he decided to retaliate against his douche bag neighbors.

I am just saying, a game warden would probably want to see what is going on. Therefore if the douche's were to call a game warden and say hey come take a look at what this guy is doing. The game warden would say well guys (douches) tough luck!

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