Selling Hog Hunts

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Master Carper

Special Hen
Nov 23, 2010
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Since we don't have hogs around my place - YET, I'll admit I have paid $350 for a "hunt" for my wife, just so she could get out and kill one. That was some mighty fine eating from that 250 lb. porker, and I really hope my wife gets the hankering to go shoot another one. I've got her a new rifle she needs to try out.... :thumbup3:


Jun 7, 2013
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I totally get that angle except that it differs from dove and pheasant in that none of those are nuisance species that are supposedly out of control and ruining property.

If they are really that out of control you should be able to drive down the road and see "Please come shoot hogs here" signs, LOL.

I won't fault a fella for making a buck of it, and see no need for laws against it, I just think it's funny what folks are willing to pay to do.

Well, I think it's fair to say that groundhogs cause damage, coyotes cause damage, moles cause damage etc. . . I have yet to see a sign that says "please come shot [insert animal name] here!" - it just doesn't work like that. And there is a reason. It's called liability. Allowing people to freely come and go on your property in order to eliminate pests leads to property damage, personal liability etc.. etc.. Gone are the days that a guy can jump a fence and take out a pest on just a handshake.

Landowners understand all to well the ramifications a sign like that would create and it's not pretty. The other side of this: if you want to shoot feral hogs on WMA's, go for it. There's your free-for-all hunting opportunity. Funny though, the hogs seem to know that so where to they choose to stay? on private land with less pressure. They'd rather tear up freshly planted fields and cattle pasture, wallow in your cow pond, and generally destroy whatever the walk on or in.

Not seeing a "please kill this pest" sign doesn't mean there's not a pest. It is estimated that feral hogs did between 1 billion and 1.5 billion in damage in Oklahoma in 2009 alone. Thats a big problem. That includes crop loss, loss due to transmitted animal diseases (they carry all sorts of diseases from rabies to anthrax to tick fever), damage to levies from rooting activity, destruction of natural habitat for native animals. They will become predatory when the opportunity arises resulting in the loss of calves, kids, dogs and cats, chickens. There are documented accounts of predation on quail and turkey, not to mention attacks on people.

Making the assumption that there really isn't a problem because people are begging everyone to come kill the animals is a wrong assumption. Anyone who has land that had been impacted by feral hogs understands just how bad the problem is. . . and it's bad.

Even the Sam Noble Foundation has done a study on Feral hogs and their impact. If you don't believe me, read his paper. this is the second edition of it.


Special Hen
Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
Rkez I wasn't attacking you or you trying to sell a few hog hunts. I was responding to some of these posters who have incorrect information or opinions. Trust me I have been the target from some of the same members before.

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