Sepreme law of the land

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Duck of Death
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Jun 28, 2008
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N36º11.90´ W95º53.29´
... While the chances of an amendment being repealed (the 2A, for example) are extremely small, it is possible. And it can be done without a Constitutional Convention. It needs to be proposed in congress and then ratified by 3/4 of the state legislatures. It happened before with the 18th Amendment.

The Constitution provides for a way for the Constitution to be amended in Article V.

Don't forget... Another method is for the "Sepreme" Court to make up constitutional rights out of whole cloth (e.g abortion).


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May 11, 2020
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Well...if you're gonna go on a rant about how important the Constitution is, maybe you should know how it works.
Sadly, very few citizens are familiar with the Constitution. I stumped a whole room full of college students at my niece's dorm down at OU with a simple question.

"How many times does the word 'democracy' appear in the Constitution?" I even offered to pay $10 - or to buy them a cup of Starbucks - for either answer... including or excluding the Bill of Rights.

One girl just walked away. Two guys made SWAGs (scientific wild-azz guesses). The rest just silently stared at me, brain-dead. No one even tried to quickly Google it. They were clueless and happy to remain so on that particular subject. Now, my niece is really p*ssed at me for 'embarassing' her in front of her friends (her mother, my sis-in-law, is mad as hell at me, too). Guess I can't win.
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Beautiful Mulberry

Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Feb 18, 2023
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Sadly, very few citizens are familiar with the Constitution. I stumped a whole room full of college students at my niece's dorm down at OU with a simple question.

"How many times does the word 'democracy' appear in the Constitution?" I even offered to pay $10 - or to buy them a cup of Starbucks - for either answer... including or excluding the Bill of Rights.

One girl just walked away. Two guys made SWAGs (scientific wild-azz guesses). The rest just silently stared at me, brain-dead. No one even tried to quickly Google it. They were clueless and happy to remain so on that particular subject. Now, my niece is really p*ssed at me for 'embarassing' her in front of her friends (and so is her mother, my sis-in-law). Guess I can't win.
You did what needed to be done.
Sometimes the truth hurts a little all the way around. One thing for sure they will never for get it

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