Meet Velma and Velda:
Velda is a square butt Model 34 in .22 LR,,,
I named her after Mike Hammer's secretary.
Velma is a round butt Model 36 in .38 Special,,,
I named her after my beautiful sister.
I purchased the 34 as a cheap-to-shoot understudy for the 36,,,
But the guns having different grips gave me some grief.
The Pachmayer Compaq grips have the exact same shape,,,
No matter what the actual grip profile originally was,,,
This gives the guns the exact same grip and feel.
That has to be dubbed “awesome” right there. Yessir. That is just plain darn awesome. I mean, you ain’t talkin’ about some cheap Airweight here, you’re talkin old school snubby coolness.
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