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Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
BS .. it's all true .. please back up what you stated ..

are you denying that water expands as it gets warmer? are you denying that we have been getting record hot month after hot month? are you denying the mid-west just came out of a drought? are you denying that we had a little ice age? etc. etc.

not saying I've never made a mistake ... but not in this case .. the only data that even comes close about being questioned is methane is 72x more potent than CO2 ... in short everything posted above are well established ...
The artic is loosing Ice, but Antarctica is gaining ice. Much more than its loosing by glaciers receeding. BTW, glaciers have been receding since the ice age. http://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/nasa-study-mass-gains-of-antarctic-ice-sheet-greater-than-losses
Waters warming is cyclic with el-nino's that have been going on for centuries. Those el-nino's have been going on for centuries as well.
Man, in the last 100 years has nothing to do with it. Its cyclic. Been going on since time began.


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May 11, 2009
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The artic is loosing Ice, but Antarctica is gaining ice. Much more than its loosing by glaciers receeding. BTW, glaciers have been receding since the ice age. http://www.nasa.gov/feature/goddard/nasa-study-mass-gains-of-antarctic-ice-sheet-greater-than-losses
Waters warming is cyclic with el-nino's that have been going on for centuries. Those el-nino's have been going on for centuries as well.
Man, in the last 100 years has nothing to do with it. Its cyclic. Been going on since time began.

nothing I've posted disagrees with above except that man had nothing to do with change. that statement could be true or not .. no one really knows .. I've stated multiple times that no knows exactly what's causing climate change .. just that climate change is happening and our globe is getting warmer. again .. change could be caused by natural cycles that lasts hundreds of years and/or caused by humans or a combination of or not. no one really knows .. what we do know is the earth is getting warmer .. water expands when it gets warmer .. fractions of degrees up or down makes a huge difference in global ocean volumes.


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May 11, 2009
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The Economist explains
Why scientists are (almost) certain that climate change is man-made
Nov 2nd 2014


ON NOVEMBER 2ND the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which represents mainstream scientific opinion, said that it was extremely likely that climate change is the product of human activity. Extremely likely in IPCC speak means having a probability of over 95%. The claim forms part of its fifth assessment on the state of the global climate. In its first assessment, in 1990, the IPCC had said that "the observed increase [in air temperatures] could be largely due to natural variability." Why have climate scientists become so much more certain that climate change is man-made, not natural?

Many factors influence the climate but perhaps the single most important is carbon dioxide (CO₂). CO₂ absorbs infra-red heat at a constant rate and at a higher rate than nitrogen and oxygen—the main constituent parts of the atmosphere—so the more CO₂ in the air, the more the atmosphere will tend to warm up. Scientists attribute climate change to human activity mainly because people have been responsible for large increases in CO₂. At the start of the industrial revolution, in about 1800, there were 280 parts per million (ppm) of CO₂ in the atmosphere. That had been the level for most of human history. This year, however, concentrations exceeded 400 ppm, the first time it had reached that level for a million years.

Most of the increase has been caused by people burning fossil fuels. In the United States, for example, 38% of the CO₂ produced in 2012 came from generating electricity and 32% came from vehicle emissions (the rest came from industrial processes, buildings and other smaller CO₂ production). People also produce CO₂ when they cut down forests for farmland and pasture. But the rate at which CO₂ absorbs heat—which has been established accurately in laboratories—does not explain all the increase in global temperatures. If CO₂ concentrations were to double from 1800 levels, global temperatures would rise by roughly 1°C. But there are many other influences upon the climate.

Rising CO₂ levels directly influence other phenomena, such as clouds, which amplify or sometimes diminish the increase in temperatures. Adding soot and other aerosols (fine particles suspended in the air) further adds to, or subtracts from, the effect of CO₂. As a result, the Earth’s temperature will in practice warm up by more than 1°C for each doubling of CO₂ concentrations. All climate scientists agree on that. How much more, though, is a matter of scientific dispute. In practice, too, the increase in global surface air temperatures has been smaller than climate computer models had predicted. But what is no longer seriously disputed is that humans are the main agents of climate change.

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May 11, 2009
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The Price of Solar Is Declining to Unprecedented Lows
Despite already low costs, the installed price of solar fell by 5 to 12 percent in 2015
August 27, 2016

[Broken External Image]

The installed price of solar energy has declined significantly in recent years as policy and market forces have driven more and more solar installations.

Now, the latest data show that the continued decrease in solar prices is unlikely to slow down anytime soon, with total installed prices dropping by 5 percent for rooftop residential systems, and 12 percent for larger utility-scale solar farms. With solar already achieving record-low prices, the cost decline observed in 2015 indicates that the coming years will likely see utility-scale solar become cost competitive with conventional forms of electricity generation.

A full analysis of the ongoing decline in solar prices can be found in two separate Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Reports: Tracking the Sun IX focuses on installed pricing trends in the distributed rooftop solar market while Utility-Scale Solar 2015 focuses on large-scale solar farms that sell bulk power to the grid.

Put together, the reports show that all categories of solar have seen significantly declining costs since 2010. Furthermore, larger solar installations consistently beat out their smaller counterparts when it comes to the installed cost per rated Watt of solar generating capacity (or $/WDC).




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May 11, 2009
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What happened in the 4, 499,999, 879 or so years prior?


you mean like this .. again no one is disputing the earth has gone through huge temp changes all by itself.
what's up for debate is how much has man's actions effected/accelerated that change?

when very_knowledgeable scientists backed up with all sorts of exotic data cannot agree, then I'm pretty certain no one really knows ..

xkcd: Earth Temperature Timeline (xkcd.com)

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