Trump leads in polls

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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed

He never said one disrespectful thing. And he stood up for himself and was not intimidated by the blustering Jorge. And he did too raise his voice.
You just flip flopped 180 degrees in half an hour.
Go kill a Fn fake pitbull that is threatening children on your street. Geezus ****in Christ your odd as ****

Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
Interesting the comments made here about a person who does not care to be politically correct, does not like to put up with BS, does not seem to dance around hurting feelings or mincing words about the people who helped get us into the mess we are in. He does not seem to give a damn what other people think. "Here I am, like me or not, but I am here to take care of business." What an odd individual. How could anyone support an individual like that rather than a normal politician who tries to smoozie everyone while taking millions from special interest groups?


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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Interesting the comments made here about a person who does not care to be politically correct, does not like to put up with BS, does not seem to dance around hurting feelings or mincing words about the people who helped get us into the mess we are in. He does not seem to give a damn what other people think. "Here I am, like me or not, but I am here to take care of business." What an odd individual. How could anyone support an individual like that rather than a normal politician who tries to smoozie everyone while taking millions from special interest groups?
Santa Claus could sign up here, post once, and get brow beaten to a pulp by this crowd. In fact, I think he did.

Junior Bonner

Special Hen
Apr 2, 2014
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You just flip flopped 180 degrees in half an hour.
Go kill a Fn fake pitbull that is threatening children on your street. Geezus ****in Christ your odd as ****

Sent from my XT1058 using Tapatalk

You cooled off yet?

Edit: I went back to YouTube and watched the confrontation. I was in error. Trump did not shout at Jorge as I said he did. You are completely correct. He was cool, calm and collected. I owe you an apology.
Last edited:


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
IF, Cruz could claw his way to the top, I'd support him. His biggest issue is that he never has fun with it, which makes him less appealing. Every time Cruz rails against the machine, people look at him and say, "Why's he so angry?". When Trump does it, they yell "Yeah!". The difference is HOW Trump does it. Like it or not, Trump brings the entertainment value. He's standing in the center of the arena with his arms raised asking "Are you not entertained?!!!”

Cruz should be studying Trump and learning to temper his fire with a little relatability.

This election cycle is like an OSA discussion. Somebody comes out, makes a bold statement, and the rest of the crowd either backs them up or tries their best to slam their dicks into the dirt.
Mean time there are two or three hundred folks that don't post in the thread that read it for entertainment values. Just like this one.

How they vote in the primary's will be interesting. The facebook/twitter feed/social media folks are driving the polls from whaet I can see. The longer Donald stirs the pot, the more approval rating he will get.

When he starts acting "presidential" and the other candidates come out of his shadow, where they are hiding now waiting on him to implode, start speaking out, its going to make for an interesting political election.


Perpetually dissatisfied
Special Hen
Oct 23, 2009
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A little brash at times, and I think he fires off at the mouth without realizing (or caring) how it might be perceived, and I think some of the clamor about his humor and drama is overblown - feckin' news-pundit idiots always looking to create some drama from nothing. He may not be the most polished politician (hell, he's not like any other "politician" we've seen, really), but he damn sure makes a lot of sense with some of the stuff he says, and he is unapologetic about it, which, in a lot of ways, I like.

I'm willing to cut him a little slack if we can get some s##t DONE up in here. I think he'll have to learn to reign it in a slight bit to interact with other world leaders, but you can damn sure trust that he'll speak his mind and not kowtow to princes and dictators overseas....


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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...As the late great political scientist Aaron Wildavsky taught us years ago there are four fundamental political types: egalitarians, individualists, social conservatives, and-the ones we forget about-what he called “fatalists.”

We tend to forget the fatalists because they tend not to vote. They view the world as foreign, chaotic, ephemeral, dangerous, on the edge of falling into bedlam. He used the analogy that their world is like a marble rolling unsteadily on a glass surface, rolling and pitching who knows where. Government has some control but is run by an untouchable, all-powerful elite acting in its own interest. Such a world can only be tamed by something enormously powerful and masterful, and only during a crisis. Then a strong central government supported by angry, patriotic nationalists and led by a popular Napoleon on his white horse can arrest the anarchy. Trump’s autobiography is titled Think Big and Kick Ass....
Fatalists do not vote, except perhaps enough to win a primary or two, and the elite strike back hard. It is difficult to sustain the anger, although Buchanan came closer than many remember. Trump may turn out to be more fortunate since popular resentment has risen to a boil this time. Bernie Sanders taps into it too, and when fatalists do vote they might go for either party. But the Vermont socialist has no horse; Trump has billions and the celebrity, willingness, and audacity to ride them.

Pollster Frank Luntz came reeling out of one of his distinctive focus groups the other day crying “my legs are shaking” from seeing the depth of commitment of the Trump supporters he interviewed at the session. “I want to put the Republican leadership behind this mirror and let them see. They need to wake up. They don’t realize how the grassroots have abandoned them. Donald Trump is punishment to a Republican elite that wasn’t listening to their grassroots.” He even showed the audience unflattering images of and statements by Trump meant to turn them off. It did not work. At the end they were more committed than at the beginning.

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