The consequences of ballooning federal deficit and debt combined with eternal quantitative easing and endless unfunded hand outs will lead to a far worse economic collapse than letting extra unemployment benefits expire. What can we do to help that? Hey, lets stop collecting payroll taxes! WTF?
We are heading for far more than short term inflation.
Trump is between a rock and a hard place: 1) Continue to inflict long term damage on the economy in order to buy votes for reelection or 2) Rip the band aid off, save the economy/country, but maybe lose the election.
Welp, let's talk long term. Currently we have a nation of dolts that earn, get taxes stolen out of their paychecks, and are too stupid to know the refund check they get is their own money. This fosters indifference, and the ignorance is killing us.
Perhaps if the taxpayer got to keep his earnings, then had to pay at the end of the year, he'd be a bit more attentive to what that money was used for.
Stealing a man's earnings before he ever sees it is all kinds of wrong, and there's nothing that would keep our glorious government from increasing those paycheck thefts until nothing was left. I'd personally like to see a bill that would make any type of payroll tax (Social Security included) illegal.
How do you think a nation of taxpayers, painfully aware of what they actually paid in taxes would affect the country? Better, or worse?