Twin great grandsons coming!

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Special Hen
Nov 8, 2021
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Am one and have a matched set of my own.

Lessons learned.

1) Watch the medical bills from the delivery. Every party in attendance for the delivery of my twins had billing errors. I was billed in both of the boys names, Baby Boy, Baby Boy 1 and Baby boy 2. Thats right 5 sets of bills for 2 kids. No kidding, over 7 grand in billing errors. I had to keep a spreadsheet and compare every bill to the explanation of benefits. Yes, two boys and somehow, they billed for 3 circumcisions!!!!

2) No need to buy duplicate toys - it's better that they learn to share.

3) Matching outfits are cute, but not a good idea once become mobile. It's a lot easier to know you have seen both, rather than the same kid twice if they are dressed differently.

4) Identical - figure out some way to KNOW which one is which, especially as infants. The first year is a very sleep deprived experience and you don't want to double medicate one and not treat the other.

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