U.S. ambassador to Libya, and 3 others killed.

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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 6, 2010
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Coweta, OK
I am a Navy Vietnam Veteran. Attacking a US Embassy is tantamount to a declaration of War. I say give em what they want. Except this time, make everyone of their cities into parking lots and use Daisy Cutters (better know as Fuel Air Explosives) to completely eliminate the gene pool. If they want to live in the Stone Age, I say send em there post haste.

If I did run for office I want you to run for office too!

Jim Corrigan

Aug 23, 2012
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Kill them all! Let's check the numbers....

Comparing 9-11, Iraq and Afghan US deaths to Iraq and Afghanistan deaths, the score is 9,352 US to ~150,000 "Mooslims" at generous estimates. We don't have any idea how many people have died in Iraq, nor Afghanistan, and our depleted uranium rounds have caused severe birth defects that are ruining the lives of generations to come. This is not counting the people we have killed in Yemen, Pakistan, Libya and Syria with drones that we don't acknowledge. Seriously guys, we don't need to kill more "Mooslims." Even if they kill 4 people, holy moley. What an outrage. We've killed hundreds of thousands, very recently. I'm sure they are pissed, you would be to.

uncle money bags

Special Hen
Jul 22, 2009
Reaction score
Kill them all! Let's check the numbers....

Comparing 9-11, Iraq and Afghan US deaths to Iraq and Afghanistan deaths, the score is 9,352 US to ~150,000 "Mooslims" at generous estimates. We don't have any idea how many people have died in Iraq, nor Afghanistan, and our depleted uranium rounds have caused severe birth defects that are ruining the lives of generations to come. This is not counting the people we have killed in Yemen, Pakistan, Libya and Syria with drones that we don't acknowledge. Seriously guys, we don't need to kill more "Mooslims." Even if they kill 4 people, holy moley. What an outrage. We've killed hundreds of thousands, very recently. I'm sure they are pissed, you would be to.

Your right, we should let them even the score a little. Maybe even throw in an apology for doing such a good job.


Mar 4, 2009
Reaction score
Kill them all! Let's check the numbers....

Comparing 9-11, Iraq and Afghan US deaths to Iraq and Afghanistan deaths, the score is 9,352 US to ~150,000 "Mooslims" at generous estimates. We don't have any idea how many people have died in Iraq, nor Afghanistan, and our depleted uranium rounds have caused severe birth defects that are ruining the lives of generations to come. This is not counting the people we have killed in Yemen, Pakistan, Libya and Syria with drones that we don't acknowledge. Seriously guys, we don't need to kill more "Mooslims." Even if they kill 4 people, holy moley. What an outrage. We've killed hundreds of thousands, very recently. I'm sure they are pissed, you would be to.

Skrew them.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Kill them all! Let's check the numbers....

Comparing 9-11, Iraq and Afghan US deaths to Iraq and Afghanistan deaths, the score is 9,352 US to ~150,000 "Mooslims" at generous estimates. We don't have any idea how many people have died in Iraq, nor Afghanistan, and our depleted uranium rounds have caused severe birth defects that are ruining the lives of generations to come. This is not counting the people we have killed in Yemen, Pakistan, Libya and Syria with drones that we don't acknowledge. Seriously guys, we don't need to kill more "Mooslims." Even if they kill 4 people, holy moley. What an outrage. We've killed hundreds of thousands, very recently. I'm sure they are pissed, you would be to.

Which is why in this case we need to focus on the Lybia aspect, not the Muslim aspect. Lybian citizens breached the sovereign soil of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Lybia. Lybian citizens (who we supported in their desire to overthrow the dictatorial regime of Gadhaffi), killed our Ambassador to Lybia and three other American citizens. Lybian citizens paraded the nude body of our ambassador through their streets.

We haven't attacked any Lybians since our retaliation for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103. They owe us a formal apology, restoration of the Consulate, reparations for the deaths, full access to the investigation and the capture or killing of the perpetrators. Nothing less will suffice. The ball is in their court. Their fate is their own.


Dec 10, 2008
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Which is why in this case we need to focus on the Lybia aspect, not the Muslim aspect. Lybian citizens breached the sovereign soil of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Lybia. Lybian citizens (who we supported in their desire to overthrow the dictatorial regime of Gadhaffi), killed our Ambassador to Lybia and three other American citizens. Lybian citizens paraded the nude body of our ambassador through their streets.

We haven't attacked any Lybians since our retaliation for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103. They owe us a formal apology, restoration of the Consulate, reparations for the deaths, full access to the investigation and the capture or killing of the perpetrators. Nothing less will suffice. The ball is in their court. Their fate is their own.

Hits nail on head


Aug 14, 2012
Reaction score
Which is why in this case we need to focus on the Lybia aspect, not the Muslim aspect. Lybian citizens breached the sovereign soil of the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Lybia. Lybian citizens (who we supported in their desire to overthrow the dictatorial regime of Gadhaffi), killed our Ambassador to Lybia and three other American citizens. Lybian citizens paraded the nude body of our ambassador through their streets.

We haven't attacked any Lybians since our retaliation for the bombing of Pan Am flight 103. They owe us a formal apology, restoration of the Consulate, reparations for the deaths, full access to the investigation and the capture or killing of the perpetrators. Nothing less will suffice. The ball is in their court. Their fate is their own.

Hey now. Our Commander in Chief went on record thanking them for getting him to the hospital. Maybe looking like a beachball at a nickelback concert was their way of trying to revive him.

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