U.S. ambassador to Libya, and 3 others killed.

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Jun 15, 2005
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OKC area
None of which will be burned or attacked with RPGs tomorrow because of religion, a youtube video, or anything else. Hopefully.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 12, 2007
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Au contrair...

You are the one that said abandon them with your unqualified original post.
If the US did what you suggested without 1st pulling out our troops from Afghanistan they would be abandoned for reasons previously stated.

That said:

I don't disagree with your suggested action G2G - I do disagree with the hasty implementation suggested without thought to the destiny of any troops in Afghanistan when Pakistan shut down all supply lines leading to them - which they would absolutely be able to do short of us conquering them. You wanna do that? Conquer them? I thought you didn't want anymore foreign wars or involvement of the US in foreign affairs.

Well neither do I really. But getting disentangled from it all takes time. Even if we did achieve the isolationism so many here seem to desire there will still occur situations where it will be preferable to fight on foreign soil and have the resulting destruction rained upon the enemy's, towns and cities rather than have it rained on ours - which is exactly what would happen if, as so many of those who consider the actual invasion of our soil to be the only valid reason for going to war, got their way.

I'll play nice though. I'll limit my description of those folks to being short sighted.

No, I didn't, so don't go around putting words in my mouth that I didn't speak. Same goes for your ridiculous "isolationism" descriptors. You can try to call it whatever you like, that doesn't make you right. As a matter of fact, you're dead wrong on that account.

If you closely examine my original post, I said we should call for his immediate release. I never said we should cut the cord immediately. The only reason Pakistan hasn't revoked our flyover access to Afghanistan is because they know damned good and well we'd never allow them to land lock our troops there. If they thought they could get away with it, they'd have done it immediately after the Abbottabad raid. As a matter of fact, we're still hitting sovereign Pakistani soil with drone strikes.

I seriously doubt we'd get much resistance over one measly political prisoner if we forced the issue. That we haven't is deplorable. :(


Special Hen
Oct 1, 2005
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Yep it's now in Yemen. Also Morocco, Sudan and Tunisia are getting in on the action now. Whodathunkit? Gonna be an interesting weekend.


The sublime and oh so sweet smell of the Arab Spring.

Kind'a brings a tear of joy to one's eye imagining the new found freedoms they are enjoying.

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