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Special Hen
Jun 18, 2020
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Oklahoma City
It seems as though the federal government is not treating conservatives fairly of late. It is also my belief that the USPS was co-opted by the democratic party to skew the 2020 election results. I am hoping more information comes to light to either solidify the findings and add to, or to explain the previous information we have about ballot stuffing, counting ballots after the deadline, backdating envelopes, etc. I am not pointing out just the USPS. I think most every pillar of service/government we might have once trusted are no longer trustworthy. From 3 letter agencies to the USPS, even the military has shown it is totally skewed from what a good portion of Americans thought they were intended for. General Milley stands out as a good example.

I think the postal carriers union endorsing Biden speaks for itself, but there are plenty of other examples:

USPS Whistleblower accuses Federal Agents of coercion tactics to water down his election fraud allegations

Federal agents browbeating a whistleblower certainly sounds iffy.

USPS Mail Carrier ARRESTED For Allegedly Dumping Election Ballots - Click It Conservative News

Dumping ballots seems to be a shady thing.

You can find more, but in general they seem to lean a certain direction. It may not be the average Joe. Let's be more than fair and assume it is just the officers/management and a few willing participants among the grunts. Is that not bad enough?


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 6, 2008
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Our benevolent leader cares for each one of us.
There aren’t any unvaccinated healthcare workers at my hospitals. It’s mandatory like the flu shot. So, cant help you there.

My daughter works at Mercy. A healthcare worker. Non-vaccinated. Religious exemption. Theses folks are out there. Doing the same things they’ve always done in the hospital. Now that Covid is on the decline they come out with mandates or termination. Seems so disingenuous. This is now simply about strong control tactics.


Special Hen
Feb 3, 2006
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From what I’ve read in NY they are bringing in foreign workers to fill the healthcare workers positions and also national guard. The national guard has longer to get stabbed. So unV will be fired and replaced with unV national guard up until middle of 2022.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
Another antivaxxer website. I stopped reading as soon as I saw the VAERS data claiming all these deaths after the vaccine. Lost all credibility for me. Looks like another antivaxxer lawyer looking for $ lawsuit, or just another nutty antivaxxer lawyer like RFK jr.
i know someone who died after getting the vaccine. you can certainly call me a liar, but i am not. so. i don't know what else to say.

Tracy O

Special Hen
Sep 1, 2021
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I'll support anyone who refuses to comply and not get the vax, l would love to be able to retire and do the same. But, when my company has to mandate it I won't have any choice but to get it. Like alot of people, I'm not independently wealthy, i make enough money to pay bills and toys from time to time, have a little bit in savings and right now my 401 would only support me and my wife for about 3 - 4 years. I'm 59 and got 21 yrs in with my company so it would be hard to have to start over. What ticks me off most about all this is that I'm put into this position by a lame a@@, crazy president that has no accomplishments just so he can say he's the one who beat covid.


Special Hen Banned
Mar 19, 2020
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nw okc
i just don't understand how harvey weinstein is an animal who belongs (and is) in jail for coercion involving a power dynamic between employer and employee, but this is just "well it sucks to have my career on the line unless i put something i don't want in my body".

or, ya know, maybe a straight Biblical prophecy.

Jack Shootza 50

Special Hen
Oct 8, 2021
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Just got an email from work saying they are complying with Bidens mandates. Then they go on to say we (Oklahoma natural gas) are a federal contractor so we don’t get to do the weekly testing. This pisses me off so bad. I’m really sick to my stomach about it. I do not want that shot. I cannot believe I am gonna lose my career because I refuse to put a drug into my body that I don’t want in it. But I knew they would do it. They kept telling us that it’s our choice but I knew that was BS. They don’t give a rats rear about our choice. They are a left leaning company. I might as well move to China. After all, that’s the kind of things that happen there. They ain’t supposed to happen here. I cannot believe more people aren’t going ape over it.
I'm never so glad I'm retired than anytime before, I get to sit at home and flip them criminals off and just ignore them. I read an article yesterday about one of the conspiracies' going around and it sounded like it could have actually been a reason for this covid crap, it read that the US and China developed this virus for population control, seems like China being a communistic government has to take care of their elderly just like we do after they reach a certain age, like retirement here but they call it something else over there, well, since the US and China BOTH worked together to make this "killer" virus they tested it over there and found out just how effective it really was, especially on the elderly and very young so HEY! They both agreed to release it into the world as a population reducer, the main plan was to kill millions of "non- productive's" and steal $$$BILLIONS$$$ of dollars of social security funds to do with what they pleased and so what if it killed a few million "useful" people along the way, just chalk it up to collateral damage........Think about it........


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Another antivaxxer website. I stopped reading as soon as I saw the VAERS data claiming all these deaths after the vaccine. Lost all credibility for me. Looks like another antivaxxer lawyer looking for $ lawsuit, or just another nutty antivaxxer lawyer like RFK jr.
I didn't post that for you, I posted it for people to see the DOD document that was promptly removed from the internet. Everyone knows your position. I noticed how you ignore any government data that is inconvenient towards your position and smoke screen it with slander. The facts are, the vax may reduce the severity of the disease and it likewise may cause side effects. People are against the mandate bob, so at this point, all of your pro-vax zealotry should be seen as pro-mandate zealotry. People have a right to be concerned about side effects of any medicine and are tired of being hen-pecked into compliance. What bad health decisions do YOU make bob? Do you eat too much red meat?

Social media companies won't even let someone link to actual measles vax inserts from Merck or the FDA. When you suppress the actual government data, that pretty much shows this is a religion and not science. Tell the truth.
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