US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed

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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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Her name is Ruby Freeman.

And she made the mistake of advertising her purse on her desk the same night she was involved in voter fraud on a MASSIVE SCALE.

Her T-shirt says “Lady Ruby” and her purse says, “LaRuby” which is her company.
This was not a very smart move.

Her company is called “LaRuby’s Unique Treasures.”

It’s on her LinkedIn page!



Staff Member
Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Aug 13, 2012
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What’s Going On with the Server Reportedly Obtained in Germany Related to the 2020 Election?
Related to the capture of the server in Germany there have been lots of rumors about the whereabouts of CIA Director Haspel and a gunfight that broke out during the raid. We currently have no information on either of these topics that we can confirm. We also don’t know the location of the server that was obtained in Germany.

What we do know in summary, is that there was a server in Germany that was obtained by the US. We also know that a team of military cyber specialists have the traffic and packets sent to Germany during the 2020 election. This is good news for Americans who want to know the truth about the 2020 election.


Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
It’s not my responsibility to bring you up to speed because your not doing your requisite reading before commenting.
Every one of your questions have been addressed in this thread and the others you’ve participated in.
Happy reading.

As i said, it wasn't clear if you were talking about the same incident or a different one. You didn't mention a state or anything beyond a common (and debunked) example for the trucks. Hence why i asked if you had a link because the only instances i have found give a credible explanation. I really would love to read about it. If you're will not, or cannot, provide it then okay.

And, as i noted, at least one instance of claiming fraud because of seeing a truck with out of state tags shows why pointing to the dangers of perjury for people who have given sworn statement is somewhat of a red herring. Yes, if they are proven to by lying about what they saw then they could face criminal charges. But swearing you saw something like a truck with out of state tags may not be a lie, so they aren't risking perjury. They are, however, reaching the wrong conclusions when viewed against other evidence and testimony.

So saying 'they've got hundreds of affidavits' could simply mean they have a bunch of people who are telling the truth about what they saw, yet what they saw wasn't fraud. Or, it could be. That is why these things go through the courts.

Remember, people assumed the dude with the wagon was doing something nefarious on election night, even though he wasn't.

As for the electronic stuff, well if you say my questions have been answered then it must be so. Still seems odd to not take the senate seats, or at least one, in GA. Or to not go after a state like florida, which has a history of being a swing state. You'd think if you weren't worried about the senate seats you'd pick states that wouldn't be so obvious.

Perhaps other posters will have more information to share. Do we know for sure that votes for Trump were switched to Biden, or could they have been switched to Jo? Could votes for Jo have been switched to Biden, too? Are we thinking it was code in every machine in GA, or just some? Do they all need examining? I've heard that some were connected to the internet, does that imply the others were safe? How would they know how many votes to switch with multiple people running for office and an unknown (and then still arriving) number of absentee ballots coming in to be counted?

Do anyone have a flow chart handy of how all of this fraud occurred because the methods and size of the conspiracy for each state is starting to run together and get confusing.
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Special Hen
Oct 22, 2005
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Oxford, MS
Video: Georgia Vote Counters Appear to Pull Suitcases of Ballots from Under Table After Observers, Media Leave

I hope this is more credible than the GA worker accused of destroying a ballot and being forced into hiding. I mean it'd be sad thrust this person into the spotlight if, like the above-mentioned worker, it turns out they were doing something benign like throwing away an instruction sheet.
Aug 16, 2012
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East of Tulsa
In state trucks or not, my question is why were ballots in any kind of truck other than USPS official delivery trucks? Why were these these ballots "opened" elsewhere and not have the signature envelopes attached to be authenticated, ran through the machines, then put into the locked "done" boxes for storage?

It seems to me paper ballots were on standby to be added to mach the data totals that were fudged. I think the total answer to all of this will be what if anything shows up from the main data servers that were supposed to be confiscated in Germany. The outcome of that will be the pivotal point of why there is so much paper shifting for the paper to match the data.

Remember the story of the FBI confiscating a shipment from china of a box with 10,000 phony drivers licenses at the Chicago Airport several months back? Wonder how many shipments they missed at other places..Humm

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
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Bristow, OK
Haven't read all the thread but saw a video yeaterday of a lady in a hearing of some sort explaining the fraud she saw. The guy on the board or council or whatever authoritative body he sat on was being a bit of a smartazz and stating that there wasn't enough fraud to change the election. The lady giving here statement said that she witnesed a lot of various types of fraud. She then said somthing to the effect of " I witnessed the fraud in person and i signed an affidavit stating if I'm lying i will go to jail, did you sign that?" He had no response.

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