US Special Forces Attacked CIA Server Farm In Germany In Server Seizure Operation, 5 Soldiers Killed

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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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As a lifelong Democrat I always voted straight party line since I didn't like the way the GOP entered our lives by restricting abortion rights for women. With all of the flaws, I gave credit to unions for creating our middle class. I started becoming disallusioned with the Democratic after meeting Obama at a fundraiser. I'd just written him a check for the full legal donation allowed and I felt sick while shaking his hand. I felt pure evil from the man. Shortly thereafter I changed my registration to Independent and I voted for a 3rd party candidate in the next two elections. When Hillary ran I liked the idea of a female president and hadn't dug around yet to find all of the dirt.

The Trump campaign was the most entertaining campaign I'd ever seen. His nicknames were brilliant and I laughe a lot never considering he had a chance of winning. My thinking was that this run was for the ultimate branding for his next venture and I was unhappy that he ran. His tweets seemed so unpresidential and I found it annoying how he constantly ragged on about fake news.

After watching his behaviour for awhile and hearing the short out of context quotes attributed to him I just didn't like him at all, but, I decided to research the issue and see if there was any truth to it after hearing it for about a year. One thing lead to another and I became utterly shocked at what's going on in our country. Trump is correct. Our news is fake and based on everything Hillary has allegedly done she should be in jail.

I've been researching ever since. From the twisted way our liberal colleges are teaching history we have a couple of generations of young that seem to hate and/or disrespect the US. As I may have already said, if you can't look back with pride you are easy to manipulate. The liberal colleges are even against freedom of speech. I don't believe they should get another dollar from the government unless it is for a STEM program or a trade program where a decent job can be had when done. Not a single dollar to any other type of studies. History is extremely important, but, I'm now seeing it is dangerous if taught in the twisted way some do.

Now, we have the 1619 project in k-12 classes. That's another story that is shocking. Our kids are being brainwashed. NYTimes magazine did a spread on it along with some bonus pieces that were first published in August 2019. I was able to find the originals on Ebay. I had to get the curriculum taught in the schools from NEA. They are exposing the little ones to marxism and teaching whites to feel guilt and shame. Blacks end up disliking whites. That's another project of mine in the works. The curriculum is put out by NEA along with Pulitzer Org, not Pulitzer Prize. BLM has reps in the school supervising the training of teachers on how to implement the program. It's unbelievably comprehensive. I was and still am in shock. Everyone needs to call local school districts to find out if they are teaching 1619 project. If so, work with parents to get it out asap. All of us will be affected.

Slavery was and is horrific in all of it's many forms over the years, but, the US didn't start the practice. Our founding fathers were right to fight for freedom from British rule.

Today, we have two immediate problems. One is to do all we can to help elect GOP senators in Georgia. Dominion machines shouldn't be used. The two senate races need help in registering new people to vote, getting people out to vote, fund raising, counting votes, observers watching the process and donations for ad time. We must not allow Biden to have control of the Senate. He can do a lot of damage by executive order, but, we can slow him down if he doesn't control the Senate.

Simultaneously, we need to help Trump prevail in his quest for the Presidency. His win in 2016 was such a blessing now that I know how much is at stake. Hillary is in lockstep with Soros.

I switched to GOP within past few months and I'll never vote for another Democrat. And, the RINO's need ousting via primary for their next election. I've also become a firm believer in the need for term limits so they can't get too buddy buddy and create power groups in Congress.

And, I now hate unions. Especially, the teacher unions. Look at their demands before letting teachers go back to school.
This quote will give you a taste of how ridiculous they are and you will realize what a huge problem we are in the midst of. "Every stakeholder in California’s public education system should be alarmed, because these demands, which range from defunding police to imposing a large wealth tax, go far beyond the scope of any union negotiation. If implemented, these policies would substantially depress living standards and the quality of life for most of California’s 40 million residents.

Since when does a union make demands about statewide economic policies?"

One last thought since I don't believe I gave the link earlier. Even though the monarchy in Britian isn't supposed to give political opinion Prince Charles is pushing for the Great Reset. As far as I'm concerned it's time for the monarchy to end. Since the Prince is in such a hurry to get this reset going he should go first. Give up the land, money, castles, art, etc. That's what we are all supposed to do once this is completely reset. Prince Charles needs to do it first.

This is probably more than you wanted to know, but, as you can see, I'm passionate on this subject. Too much has gone on for a couple of decades under our noses. Look around, it's the cities run by Democrats that are falling apart. We need to get more GOP led cities.

Research and learn all you can about what's going on in your area. Simple things like going to city council meetings and requesting a copy of the budget is educational. It's easier to hide waste in smaller local governments since too few pay attention. You can tell a lot by seeing how the funds are spent. Some clearly want this reset on the left. I'm not one of them and I'm doing all I can to pass the word on. If just two of you become active and pass it on it's worth my time. You might be a Democrat like I used to be. If nothing else, you might be able to change it from within. I gave up on that, but, no matter what your politics used to be, you need to see how things actually are and decide on what kind of country you want to live in.

Ok, have a great day everyone. Not that I've helped cheer anyone up! ;) But, we can't fix what we aren't aware of.
This one deserves it's own thread too!

I have to applaud you KarinCA. I didn't expect any reply. If there was a reply I really didn't expect the length and depth you went into. You poured out your heart to the answer of my question! I will not spoil the rest of this thread with the off topic wanderings we started here. If you want to discuss further we can go to another thread.

I'm sorry you cannot get your money back from Obama. LOL!

Welcome to OSA and especially welcome to the GOP! PS I abhor demonrats and I abhor RINO repellicans. I want a conservative party.


Special Hen
Nov 11, 2010
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Let us return to discussing the creditability of CD Media, cited by the O.P. as "reporting" on this alleged attack in Germany. Forgive me for quoting them so often, but it had to be done. In their own words:

"Our world is run by a criminal syndicate unlike man has ever known. Global financiers are involved. Former Presidents of the United States are involved, on both sides of the political aisle. The uni-party exists. Media titans are involved. Our security agencies and most politicians are compromised." (from the CD Media article, "Q was Right", dated 11/22/2020).

"The Gulf Wars were not for American security, they were to feed an ever-expanding criminal security apparatus in the United States. It [the war in Iraq] was nothing but high level money laundering." (from the CD Media article, "Q was Right", dated 11/22/2020).

"Everyone knows Trump won the election in a massive landslide. There is also plenty of evidence the Democrat [sic] Party stole the vote as part of an international criminal conspiracy. This is an act of war by our enemies--China, Iran, Venezuela." (from the CD Media article, "Trump is our leader....", dated 11/20/2020).

"It is sad that such talented software engineers will sell out the freedom and democracy of billions of people around the world, for personal wealth." (from the CD Media article, "The Kraken has Many Heads....", dated 11/26/2020).

"Make no mistake, Communist China is behind what we are [now] experiencing. They have been planning this for a long time." (from the CD Media article, "Face it--The old America is Gone", dated 11/05/2020).

"It is no secret our media, Silicon Valley overlords, and probably 80% of our federal government, and a large percentage now of local government, have been bought and paid for by the ChiComs. It is also no secret that Chinese money controls corporate media in the U.S." (from the CD Media article, "The Left has been Working with Communist China for Decades....", dated 11/03/2020).

So there you have it. According to CD Media, the U.S. is either controlled by a huge international criminal syndicate, or by the Chinese Communists and their Iranian and Venezuelan allies, or maybe by both?? The software engineers behind stealing the election, meanwhile, did so for personal gain, which would seem rather incompatible with the goals of either an overbearing criminal syndicate or the Chinese Communists, both of whom would likely want a large piece of the pie for themselves, don't you think? Beware of trying to make too much sense out of this sophomoric brand of "journalism." It is readily apparent to anyone but a fool that CD Media is slightly below The National Enquirer in the reliability and truthfulness of its "reporting".
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Perhaps you're referring to a different case, which i might not be aware of, but an out of state tags issue has reached at least one judge. If you are referring to something else, i'd appreciate if you could post a link to read more about the driver who confirmed these things because i'm not aware of the case.

With regards to at least one case regarding 'out of state tags', though, i know it has already been before a judge and the case went no where. In that instance it was because both sides were allowed to present testimony and the person who gave the sworn testimony was shown to have not been in the position to know the whole of the situation. The person wasn't lying about what they saw, mind you. But when given the chance to view both sides of the situation, the election official confirmed that what the person saw was right and noted that the trucks they rented to haul the ballots did in fact have out of state tags.

A person can swear under oath about things they saw, be telling the truth and still be wrong about the implications. That is one reason why pointing to 'sworn affidavits' can contribute to supporting the narrative but also might not indicate what people think they do.

As for the stuff about remote manipulation and the like, i might have missed it too (it's a busy work time, but down from 'insane' because of covid). Has there been any direct evidence given that showed it happened? I don't think anyone that i've seen has said it couldn't happen, but could and did are different things (as everyone already knows, i'm sure). Yes, we've been told there are lots of things to point towards manipulation, corruption and the the like, but we also know that the system created a printed copy of the ballot, which was then given to election officials and that the audits and recounts (while discovering some issues, granted) were close enough to not have changed the outcome. Did enough people not review their ballots to see that the system had switched their vote? Or was there a bigger effort to swap fake ballots for real ones to make sure that everything matched? Has anyone alleged that votes for senator were changed? I mean since the dems didn't win either race, it would seem that maybe they weren't a target? Odd, given the need to retake the senate and the efforts to unseat trump, but maybe neither seat was victim and not enough people wanted either GOP senator to win outright?

I did see where powell got her request for a TRO expedited, so maybe we will see legal movement on that front soon.

Does anyone know if one of the deep red states that uses the DVS machines has done any audits of them yet? Or maybe a state like Florida since it's often viewed as a battleground state but went for Trump without much hoopla. Seems like it would have been a great target for fraud and its machines could shed some light on the software.

It’s not my responsibility to bring you up to speed because your not doing your requisite reading before commenting.
Every one of your questions have been addressed in this thread and the others you’ve participated in.
Happy reading.


Special Hen
Dec 1, 2020
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Thats irony at its finest.
True... and, what's odd is that the left calls me right wing due to my support of 2nd amendment rights and many on the right don't like my belief in abortion rights and consider me too far on the left. So, it's generally not something I discuss in real life these days. Abortion rights figured into my vote for Hillary, but, avoiding socialism/marxism was more important to me than the potential loss of abortion rights.

I've always looked at it as personal rights consistent with each other.

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