Utah doing something right or not?

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Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Ahhhh yes...teachers. Those essential employees that don't get paid enough and are indoctrinating our kids, but we should let those groomers (as they've been called here) have guns in the classroom. Wild.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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Ahhhh yes...teachers. Those essential employees that don't get paid enough and are indoctrinating our kids, but we should let those groomers (as they've been called here) have guns in the classroom. Wild.
My guess is that the left-leaning, pro-state, anti-normal folks won't be the ones signing up for firearm instruction.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
My guess is that the left-leaning, pro-state, anti-normal folks won't be the ones signing up for firearm instruction.
Are you kidding me? This forum had lead me to believe they are the ones most desperate for money, so of course they'd sign up. Then they could peddle their believes under threat of force as a bonus. Again, from what I hear here they'd sell their soul for a corn chip, so signing up for 5 benji's is a no brainer.


Special Hen
Feb 6, 2023
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Politics aside, here are my initial concerns.

The training the article mentions is absurdly insufficient. 4 hours of proficiency training for somebody who's not familiar with firearms is just enough to put them in the headspace of "I've got a gun, so everybody's safe now." mentality. There needs to be probably at least 5x that much just in shooting training. That's not even taking into consideration the "shoot/don't shoot" scenario training they need. Yeah, I get that it's going to be totally different than police or military training because of the school environment they'll be in, but that training exists. It needs to be implemented and frequent refresher training should be required as well.

Another concern is that at middle school and high school ages, you're just swimming in a soup of out of control hormones. Your brains aren't fully developed and able to fully rationalize during emotionally charged situations yet. Kids ain't dumb and they'll know there's now a firearm in their presence. Given the right situation, it won't be difficult to obtain that gun. Retention training has to be beat in the school employees head constantly. Coach Jones walking around with a pistol tucked in his waistband won't cut it. If this all comes to fruition, there will eventually be multiple cases of guns being drawn when it definitely wasn't necessary. Something like a brawl in the hallway between the cowboys and the stoners and Mrs. Beasley fires a shot in the air to get them to stop.

That being said, I'm a supporter of something like this if done properly. I think just the knowledge of there being guns on campus will dissuade some from extreme violence. Maybe. I also think most school shooters won't give 2 shits and believe that'll just make their spree more memorable...going down in a blaze of glory.

I'm probably overthinking it, though.

Rez Exelon

Special Hen
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Politics aside, here are my initial concerns.

The training the article mentions is absurdly insufficient. 4 hours of proficiency training for somebody who's not familiar with firearms is just enough to put them in the headspace of "I've got a gun, so everybody's safe now." mentality. There needs to be probably at least 5x that much just in shooting training. That's not even taking into consideration the "shoot/don't shoot" scenario training they need. Yeah, I get that it's going to be totally different than police or military training because of the school environment they'll be in, but that training exists. It needs to be implemented and frequent refresher training should be required as well.

Another concern is that at middle school and high school ages, you're just swimming in a soup of out of control hormones. Your brains aren't fully developed and able to fully rationalize during emotionally charged situations yet. Kids ain't dumb and they'll know there's now a firearm in their presence. Given the right situation, it won't be difficult to obtain that gun. Retention training has to be beat in the school employees head constantly. Coach Jones walking around with a pistol tucked in his waistband won't cut it. If this all comes to fruition, there will eventually be multiple cases of guns being drawn when it definitely wasn't necessary. Something like a brawl in the hallway between the cowboys and the stoners and Mrs. Beasley fires a shot in the air to get them to stop.

That being said, I'm a supporter of something like this if done properly. I think just the knowledge of there being guns on campus will dissuade some from extreme violence. Maybe. I also think most school shooters won't give 2 shits and believe that'll just make their spree more memorable...going down in a blaze of glory.

I'm probably overthinking it, though.
All sarcasm from my earlier posts aside, you've hit on many good points and I don't believe that's overthinking in the least.

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