Very sad, family massacre in OK - why, how?

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jun 12, 2022
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What industry isn't trying to make a profit? Which is worse, fast food industry or big pharma? Which one reduces folk's life expectancy? Which one can increase one's life expectancy? Both have their motives. What would stop big pharma? Big government? There's thread after thread and post after post here on osa where folks are not in favor of more government. I'm pretty thankful for my insulin. I would have been gone about 30y ago without it. Could they have cured type 1? Not sure. Everyone knows the cure for type 2, and folks would rather eat terrible and continue to be diabetic lol. If you don't want them to make a profit, don't buy their products lol.
Glad youre still kicking. :hey3:

What you say is true. Vaccines, for instance. Many have contributed to making our lives much healthier. Polio, Smallpox, Yellow Fever,even the regular flu. But then the greed, and (perhaps?)the gub'mints desire to exercise more control.

"Power tends to corrupt. Absolute power corrupts absolutely." Lord Acton

I fear we've seen nothing yet. If the Cameltoe gets elected prepare for the end of the free world as we know it. I think its demonically possessed.
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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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I would start with the medications. They are pumping many people with anti-psychotics and some just don't do well. Especially when they stop them. The research that proves this is out there but is being scrubbed.
Way too much money involved. Think about when a doctor prescribes those types of medicine. They are generally for life. That's REPEAT business for big Pharma. That's not to say they don't help many though.
Just sayin. We never do hear what meds these shooters are on. School shootings or a tragic family shooting like this and it's just not discussed. Meds are THE COMMON denominator among mass shooters. It's almost like no one wants to get to the bottom of things.
I’m on a permanent pain management program. I have to open an app daily and answer stupid questions. At the end of every poll, it asks my level of anxiety 0 to 10.

Are they kidding? Who would ever say anything but “0”?

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