Virginia Democrats are Freaking Because the 300,000 Absentee Ballots They Hoped to Drop in Upcoming Election Are Held Up by the USPS

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
Ballots will not fit into a normal envelope unless they are folded creating a crease in the ballot.
Georgia and Maricopa County in Arizona acknowledged they had "received them" without creases but allowed them even though there was no evidence of a crease indicating they were a false ballot.
Dumped into the unsupervised ballot boxes.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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That's why they started the 24/7 office places - run as many copies as you need, fill them in while waiting. Who's going to question them? Apparently no one, and those that do will be vilified in the media.
I have found when someone gets the better of you and everyone thinks it's ok, then why can't we do the same? Except for the media part. We just beat them at their own game.

I was on a winning basketball team in high school. I was the "manager" because I had heart, a winning spirit, and tried hard but my "white man's disease" showed through. We were en route to taking state again in Class B Boys.

We were invited to a tournament to play in Cashion. We won all the way through and had beaten Deer Creek of Edmond once already to get into the tournament. It seemed the referees didn't like us and when they saw an opportunity to smite us they took it, Our coach was a smart man though and figured out what they were doing.

When DC got a free throw and missed, we were called for being in the lane too fast. At that time the ball had to hit the rim or glass before the teams could move. Our coach called a time out and told all the kids to remain in place and NOT go for the rebound. We were to act like we were going to but to stay put on the line and not move our feet.

Guess what? DC missed the free throw and we did as the coach instructed acting like we were going to move but stayed put. We were called for in the lane too fast again.

The crowd went nuts as we stood there, motionless. The coach came off the bench screaming about dishonest refereeing. The crowd threw food and drinks at the referees and our coach told the crowd to stop. Then the refs called a technical on our coach. and ejected him.

We lost by forfeit but we were awarded the trophy after the referees were suspended and fired the next week.

Just an example of playing their game and exposing them. Only there is one difference now. There is no one in moral authority now to appeal to. They are all bought and paid for.

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