Good article on the state of the libertarian movement.

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Id really like to see the GOP "elders" boot out the Libertarians and Tea Partiers. Why dont yall do that?

Instead of calling them lazy or saying they dont deserve this or that, just boot em out. Oh thats right, the GOP needs them. Or is it they need the GOP, even though they call you a Statist?

I think its so funny. Gawd why dont more people see that party politics is stupid. Its all about Power and usurping it from voters.

You are partly right in that the GOP needs both groups but neither really needs the GOP. In fact if both groups were to split off it would be the happiest day of my life when it comes to politics but not for the reason you or the so called libertarians here think. I would love it because I could quit the GOP and join the Tea Party. Both groups leaving the GOP would hurt them for awhile, then the many Dems would join one or the other group balancing things out and causing a real upheaval in US politics. The majors would have to start listening to the people and working with the other parties. It is the only way things will ever really change.

And yes being called a Statist by people that do nothing but whine ticks me off. I support the individual candidates that I like while not donating a cent to the party. I vote for the one who comes close as possible to my believes because it is the only way to move things the direction I think is best. I refuse to just sit around and let others decide. Or blame them for my inaction.

Rick, being honest with myself is what has lead me to ditch the GOP. I have held out hope of reform from within for quite a while but it is clear that the Republican Party will not be reformed. They are for just as much govt. as the Democratic Party.

It is funny to me that you think libertarians are lazy. Striking off in a different direction with long odds is anything but lazy. Especially with so many people vested in the current system and don't care about principles. Only what helps their bottom line. Really, just accepting the crap the GOP has been throwing out there is much more lazy IMO. It's easy to go with one or the other established parties. They already have the machinery established and lazy straight ticket voters that think the party makes or breaks a candidate.

You can continue to belittle and marginalize libertarians and then wonder why the GOP keeps losing elections if you like. In fact, I hope they do continue to alienate libertarian leaning GOP'rs. At the same time I hope that the libertarian purists open their arms to these less hard line libertarians. The party needs to grow and having a narrow definition of libertarian is a major hindrance. The GOP has lost me and while I know my candidates will be perennial losers for the foreseeable future, so will the GOP party candidates.

I am not calling real Libertarians lazy. They have left the GOP and joined the Libertarian Party and are working for change. I am calling armchair libertarians lazy for staying with the GOP and doing nothing. If the Tea Party ever splits off I will be one of the first to leave the GOP. For the rest, see above.

Well, I don't know everyone who doesn't agree with me, but yer incessant crying about an insignificant group of lazy people is perplexing. Much like the GOP to which you cling, I suspect this is the best defense you can muster. You have learned well at the feet of yer spineless GOP masters.

Tell ya what, if the GOP ever grows a pair and goes after the Commies, I might join back up. I guess I'd rather be called lazy than gutless.

Your turn, sir.

How about lazy and gutless? See above.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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You are partly right in that the GOP needs both groups but neither really needs the GOP. In fact if both groups were to split off it would be the happiest day of my life when it comes to politics but not for the reason you or the so called libertarians here think. I would love it because I could quit the GOP and join the Tea Party. Both groups leaving the GOP would hurt them for awhile, then the many Dems would join one or the other group balancing things out and causing a real upheaval in US politics. The majors would have to start listening to the people and working with the other parties. It is the only way things will ever really change.

And yes being called a Statist by people that do nothing but whine ticks me off. I support the individual candidates that I like while not donating a cent to the party. I vote for the one who comes close as possible to my believes because it is the only way to move things the direction I think is best. I refuse to just sit around and let others decide. Or blame them for my inaction.

I am not calling real Libertarians lazy. They have left the GOP and joined the Libertarian Party and are working for change. I am calling armchair libertarians lazy for staying with the GOP and doing nothing. If the Tea Party ever splits off I will be one of the first to leave the GOP. For the rest, see above.

How about lazy and gutless? See above.

Yer making assumptions again.


Aug 14, 2012
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And I wish the Libertarian Party could have stuck around.

I voted for Ross Perot once and even sent money to, and joined United We Stand. After that I registered as an Independent.


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Did you really use "I know you are but what am I"? Really?

Erudite commentary. I yield, sir.

Why, you guys have assumed through out this thread that I was a die hard Republican and I forget how many times I have been called a statist just because I have not drunk the Ron Paul koolaid. I am neither but I have heard countless "libertarians" complain about the system while also saying they do not vote or anything else. The real Libertarians I know complain about how few people are actually willing to get off their butts and help.


Aug 14, 2012
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Why, you guys have assumed through out this thread that I was a die hard Republican and I forget how many times I have been called a statist just because I have not drunk the Ron Paul koolaid. I am neither but I have heard countless "libertarians" complain about the system while also saying they do not vote or anything else. The real Libertarians I know complain about how few people are actually willing to get off their butts and help.

Wait wait wait. You aint a die hard Republican? Are you a Republican? Are you a RINO?

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