Out n w of OKC Cottontails are everywhere. Lots of foxes in these small towns too.Wabbits are everywhere this year......went to get a steroid injection in my shoulder at the Norman Health Plex yesterday and saw one in one of the parking lot medians then went to Academy and saw the same thing but two.
Two in the back yard around dawn this morning and one in each of the neighbors yards across the circle.
Swirls of kites in the sky, plenty of skwirlz, and... thankfully not many flies this year. Last year I had swarms of the filthy things.
I ain't seen a jack rabbit, nor quail for years. I like to blame the jack lack on an old disease they never recovered from, and the lack of quail on the half mile birds.... you know, those red tail hawks you see flying by with hapless snakes and paratrooping off of phone poles to snatch up small rodents.
They're usually seen spaced about every 1/2 mile or so on any given country road around here.