It was bad enough working temporary crews in the 80'-90's - I damn sure couldn't do it now- someone might just get hurt. I had a crew of 3 nonwhite Manpower workers in Houston one time building a pharmacy. One was really good and got things fast- 2nd one was ok but needed more direction- 3rd one was good for carrying stuff- sweeping up and getting cardboard and pallets out of the way. I'm thinking why don't these guys have a regular job. Well about day three they start not getting along and if I would have needed workers very many more days, I would have called and replaced 2 of them. Kids do not get trained by their parents to be good workers or providers for themselves or anyone else sadly. PS- I give a crap less what color, nationality or anything else you are- I care that you are there cause you said I will work if you pay me and because I told you I could get the job done for you.