When does the idiot finally get it?

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Let's go Brandon
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Special Hen Supporter
Jul 4, 2009
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Edmond, Ok
According to news reports, Obama gave a statment on the plane to reporters about the new Tea Party representatives in the house.
"they will play to their party base for awhile, but eventually will learn that they are here to "govern".
Did not the electorate vote in the new representatives and senators on the case of less government, and lower taxes, among other issues????:pissed::pissed::pissed:

We really need to watch these new folks in congress to make sure they don't waver from the job WE gave them:pissed::patriot:

Yes we do. I'm very interested to watch our new rep. here in the 5th district. I'm hoping since he wasn't a politician to begin with he won't be so easy to turn.


Special Hen
Dec 30, 2008
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Broken Arrow
I have never attended a Tea Party rally or anything like that but personally I take a great amount of pleasure that the left is totally baffled by the Tea Party. They sit around and fret about the TP, all confused and bewildered about what it means, what's the plan, etc.

The TP really only has one particular goal and that is to put the brakes on the nuthouse regime. That in itself is good enough for me.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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I have never attended a Tea Party rally or anything like that but personally I take a great amount of pleasure that the left is totally baffled by the Tea Party. They sit around and fret about the TP, all confused and bewildered about what it means, what's the plan, etc.

The TP really only has one particular goal and that is to put the brakes on the nuthouse regime. That in itself is good enough for me.

And replace it with an even nuttier regime?


Sep 27, 2008
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West OKC
After a few months most of the TP folks will be corrupted.

Personally I think we'd be better picking representatives from us "commoners" who don't want to serve. Then after two years replacing them with someone else who doesn't want to serve. Rinse and repeat every two years.

And have the state legislatures choose senators and not the populace as was the original setup.


Special Hen
Jun 9, 2009
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After a few months most of the TP folks will be corrupted.

You're making a huge and rather naive assumption that they weren't corrupt to begin with.

At least the "career politicians" are honest about who they are: Politicians.

The TP like to pretend they're not politicians. But ya know what... as soon as they set foot in politics, they became politicians. And as far as I'm concerned when we're talking about politicians, it's not WHETHER they're corrupt, it's how corrupt are they. And that applies to the TP just like every other politician.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Personally I think we'd be better picking representatives from us "commoners" who don't want to serve. Then after two years replacing them with someone else who doesn't want to serve. Rinse and repeat every two years.

Now this I like but I would make it 4 years and no longer. Takes them a few months just to find out where the restrooms are.


Special Hen
Sep 26, 2009
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Oklahoma City
How about voting for people with workable policy solutions?

I'm all for several key parts of the Tea Party position - greater fiscal responsibility, less corruption, yadda yadda yadda.

My problem has been that they're very good at pointing out Washington's problems but they've been pretty short on suggesting solutions. For example, the healthcare bill that was passed was a debacle, no doubt: conservatives think it was far overreaching and too expensive, and liberals think it was a compromise that ended up just being a massive gift to insurance companies. The Tea Partiers have done a great job of pointing out what went wrong there. BUT, the state of healthcare in this country pre-reform was horrible. I will start to take the Tea Party more seriously when they outline a program to undo Obamacare, and then well-defined legislative steps to improve the situation somehow.
Actually more than one alternative solution was presented. The one with the most support was only 800 pages instead of 2,500 or whatever the final number was on Obamacare. It didn't get a lot of play in the media because it kind of contradicted the whole "party of no" slogan they had adopted. Republicans were shut out of the whole process so suggesting alternatives was kind of a waste of their time. Obama told us these negotiations would be held on CSPAN for all to observe. Instead, the only negotiating was between democrats to determine who was going to get the sweetest deal.

The whole process should be a reminder as to why it is never good for either party to have a large majority. It gives them the ability to do more "governing" which is simply more legislation resulting in larger government. I'd certainly like to see Obamacare repealed as I would all entitlements. However, political gridlock is probably the only way we all win. We need a government that moves slowly. Look at the crap that happens when either side has a majority and can ram legislation through.

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