The wildlife department should stick with managing the resources to fit the available habitat. Not allow those who choose to trophy hunt dictate what the rest of the hunting population harvest. Most people will have no interest in shooting a couple of extra does if it's a one buck limit. But if they have a chance to harvest a second buck there's a good chance they will continue pursuing deer through out the hunting season. Not that it matters, but I'm at a point in my hunting career where I rarely kill a deer if it's not a mature. I only killed a doe last year as I didn't see a mature buck. In over twenty years, I've never killed more then one buck a year. I mostly shoot does to balance the herd where I hunt. But that's my own personal imposed goal. I'm a meat hunter by nature but a trophy deer hunter by choice. But I'm against the one buck limit as I have young children who are taking up hunting and I let them shoot anything they want. I enjoy spending time with my children in the woods and don't want it limited by a one buck season. Some people around here are starting to sound like their self righteous/egotistical standards should be imposed on the rest of us. If you choose to be a trophy hunter so be it, but don't look down your nose at those who chose something different.
It is surprising to see how many folks would love to have the State enforce their ideas on everyone else. I manage the way I want, I sure don't try to tell someone else what to do, or get **the nice police officers**to force my wishes on someone else.