Why is it??

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Special Hen Supporter
Apr 22, 2019
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I've tried this girl thing somewhat in my life- 3rd marriage - 1st one we were young and busy- she worked full time and went to school 12-16 hours a semester- when she finally finished school- I was supposed to change my whole life and tend to her- that didn't go well- #2 was a hard head and had a 12 year old daughter when we got together- tried like hell to get along and do stuff together- she loved shooting and I taught her everything. She even went turkey hunting with me. We fished together and when her job played out in Ft Worth she wanted to move back to El Reno, so we did even though it was harder on me to cover my work area. Got home, built a house and when it looked like I was going to have to leave my job, I cashed in company stock I had and paid off the house. A couple months later she divorced me, and yes I had to give her the house on my family land. Went a little middle age crazy and had some stupid years. #3 who was someone I meet in 1980's showed up and we fell into it hard because we just didn't ever have anyone who did us right I guess. Now we are in a fight with old age- the hardest battle. I say all this to say men and women are just two different wave lengths. Most men don't get the hen party deal and most girls don't get the man bond that a brother has. I get acquainted with guys all the time who have a common interest and we can talk all day. I meet 2 times a week with some Masons who practice the Mason ritual work- we have age ranges from 50's to almost 90. We are as tight as it gets. It has been rare to have a girl in the mix where it works cause most are just not able to go with a man's thoughts and are darn sure not going to take crap from anyone she's not in love with.
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Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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I've tried this girl thing somewhat in my life- 3rd marriage - 1st one we were young and busy- she worked full time and went to school 12-16 hours a semester- when she finally finished school- I was supposed to change my whole life and tend to her- that didn't go well- #2 was a hard head and had a 12 year old daughter when we got together- tried like hell to get along and do stuff together- she loved shooting and I taught her everything. She even went turkey hunting with me. We fished together and when her job played out in Ft Worth she wanted to move back to El Reno, so we did even though it was harder on me to cover my work area. Got home, built a house and when it looked like I was going to have to leave my job, I cashed in company stock I had and paid off the house. A couple months later she divorced me, and yes I had to give her the house on my family land. Went a little middle age crazy and had some stupid years. #3 who was someone I meet in 1980's showed up and we fell into it hard because we just didn't ever have anyone who did us right I guess. Now we are in a fight with old age- the hardest battle. I say all this to say men and women are just two different wave lengths. Most men don't get the hen party deal and most girls don't get the man bond that a brother has. I get acquainted with guys all the time who have a common interest and we can talk all day. I meet 2 times a week with some Masons who practice the Mason ritual work- we have age ranges for 50's to almost 90. We are as tight as it gets. It has been rare to have a girl in the mix where it works cause most are just not able to go with a man's thoughts and are darn sure not going to take crap from anyone she's not in love with.
Having recently seen this in the memes thread, it explains it all.


But I still have some favorites that are contenders.

my personal fave

man vs woman.jpg


Special Hen
Mar 25, 2020
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I've tried this girl thing somewhat in my life- 3rd marriage - 1st one we were young and busy- she worked full time and went to school 12-16 hours a semester- when she finally finished school- I was supposed to change my whole life and tend to her- that didn't go well- #2 was a hard head and had a 12 year old daughter when we got together- tried like hell to get along and do stuff together- she loved shooting and I taught her everything. She even went turkey hunting with me. We fished together and when her job played out in Ft Worth she wanted to move back to El Reno, so we did even though it was harder on me to cover my work area. Got home, built a house and when it looked like I was going to have to leave my job, I cashed in company stock I had and paid off the house. A couple months later she divorced me, and yes I had to give her the house on my family land. Went a little middle age crazy and had some stupid years. #3 who was someone I meet in 1980's showed up and we fell into it hard because we just didn't ever have anyone who did us right I guess. Now we are in a fight with old age- the hardest battle. I say all this to say men and women are just two different wave lengths. Most men don't get the hen party deal and most girls don't get the man bond that a brother has. I get acquainted with guys all the time who have a common interest and we can talk all day. I meet 2 times a week with some Masons who practice the Mason ritual work- we have age ranges from 50's to almost 90. We are as tight as it gets. It has been rare to have a girl in the mix where it works cause most are just not able to go with a man's thoughts and are darn sure not going to take crap from anyone she's not in love with.
Man, I dunno what to tell ya. I've got ONE girl friend. And neither one of us would ever chose to hang out with a bunch of women. She is much like me -- prefers unconventional hobbies , doesn't like feminism at all, and can shoot a rifle better than most men I know.

I watched her take an AR that the sight had been knocked loose on and hit a target dead center at 500 yards in 2 shots. The first shot she used the sight and missed. That's when she realized it was discombobulated, TURNED THE GUN SIDEWAYS, LOOKED DOWN THE BARREL AND HIT THAT TARGET DEAD CENTER WITH THE NEXT SHOT. :ooh2: @SMS and I just looked at each other like "DAMN!!" and we moved to the next stage. It was something else. Lol

Anyhow ... I dunno what to tell ya. I was single, except for the year that my first marriage lasted. Had a boyfriend for a while but he was on and off. We had polar opposite ideas about what we wanted in life but damn the sex was good. :naughty:

Met Grumpy when I was 42. I'm 66, almost 67 now and he's still here. God knows why. We are like oil and water. I can't leave. No apartment would let me keep all my babies. :lookaroun:anyone::wink2:

So ... Sometimes life gives you what you need, not necessarily what you want. :anyone::coffee2:


Special Hen
Feb 1, 2019
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Well, yeah ... You guys do tend to get a little tipsy if you get a whiff of estrogen -- real or imagined. 🤣🤣

I dunno. I am a real weirdo. I really do just think of myself as one of the guys. It always flabbergasted me when one of the guys would hit on me because I don't see my buddies that way. Didn't happen often but the few times it did it was REALLY awkward. Because if there was EVER anyone who was nothing special, it's me. 🤷🤷 Just goes to show ya there is somebody (sometimes a couple, three somebodies) for everybody.
You ARE one of us guys. We are used to you. We are comfortable. We no longer feel like we have to try to impress you so we just treat you like you're another grape in the bunch.

Oh yeah. Men are pigs. So there's that.

Blue Heeler

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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 8, 2020
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I miss Judi
I had thought that she got the ban wand for a vile, unhinged rant on a post (that got removed) back in November. Did a search and it looks like she just dropped off the forum.

As to women participating on this forum, I think it would be great if more women did. I personally don’t assign a value to gender for such mediums … more participation the better.


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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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Y'all got me to thinking in the most current dog thread ...

Why is it I'm the only gurl in these parts?? I miss Judi but even before her I have consistently been the only chick in these parts. You guys aren't bad company (misogynistic assholes aside 😉) so why is it other gals don't stay?? I really am truly curious as to why you guys think that is. 🤷
I could be wrong, but I think of you as old-school country Tom girl woman. You’re into gardening, canning, prepping, animals, self sufficiency, and guns. And probably a bunch more that I can’t think of. That’s what I’ve gleaned from the posts over the years.

That was a way of life many many decades ago that is fading away all to fast these days.

I would guess to say that most women that find their way to this board are pretty much modern urban suburban, housewives, and what interest them for the most part doesn’t have anything to do with this site.

They might get a gun and then search gun forums and places to shoot. Not many other women on here to relate with. Not many topics for the most part I would imagine that they would be interested in.

They’re probably watching real housewives or the Kardashian plastic fake Broads. Or some other reality drama BS on TV. Could be TikTok Facebook or who knows what other type of streaming by apps that are that they could get lost in.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Jan 14, 2013
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Oklahoma City
Why not more women? It's simple, guys are guys and gals are gals. I do think there are a few women's firearm forums out there, but very few. I am on a few car websites, there are very few if any women on those. I don't think that says anything bad about @THAT Gurl, most women don't share an interest in firearms, most don't have an avid interest in cars or wristwatches.

My wife is a great example, she wanted to know how to shoot but could have cared less about the ballistics of a .22 versus a .45, she just wants to know what gun does the job, and really doesn't care about history heritage or the like. Same with the new vehicle we bought, she just wants to know that it will be trouble free and move when she floors it. She could care less about the mechanics of it and improving it.

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