That's small potatoes, soap opera BS. When our foreign assets are tortured to death or an RPG takes out the whole family and the word gets out, that's the time when we find ourselves cut off from the world unable to prevent action against the US.
Choices have to be made. Do we want to be isolated with no one trusting us, or to be able to function as a nation.
Small potatoes says who? The point of classifying information in compartmentalization once you get above Top Secret is to keep "soap opera BS" from reaching points outside of the "need to know" crowd.
Who says we can't have both a trustworthy use of government assets as well as a safe and secure use of classified information so that our troops remain protected?
It is the best government,military, and intelligence, system in the world, I say we have every right to demand that "classified" does not automatically mean "no accountability" when it gets to the point of being ridiculous.
I've done the military clearance thing and worked as a Government Contractor with a clearance back in the day - I know how things work and I know that average joe citizen doesn't need to know everything that goes on in the world of super-secret military / intel, but that's a far cry from flat out abuse or incompetence that leads to endangering US citizens or military personnel (and that happens a lot more than you think).