Will Obama Stop the Music?

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Special Hen
Mar 6, 2007
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tilling subprep's cornfield
Will Obama Stop the Music This November?

The current “shutdown” of 17% of the federal government has primed America for chaos with constant left-wing rhetoric and news media reports couched in apocalyptic terms such as crisis, brink, catastrophe, hostage, arsonist and terrorist. But a catastrophe is useful to a would-be tyrant only as long as it can be blamed on a hated enemy. In 1933 Hitler’s agents burned the Reichstag, not just to sow fear and confusion, but primarily in order to charge his Communist enemies with treason as an excuse to obliterate them. The German “mainstream media” dutifully parroted the Nazi Party line, without investigating the true source of the arson.

A similar pattern of scapegoating has been followed in the United States throughout the term of President Obama. For example, leading Democrats and their shills in the mainstream media have long been salivating at the prospect of a “Tea Party” conservative going on a violent rampage. We saw this in Tucson immediately after the Gabby Giffords shooting, after the Aurora, Colorado, theater attack, and after the recent Washington Navy Yard shooting, when Democrats and their media allies rushed to blame “Tea Party terrorists” in early reports based upon zero evidence. As far as we know, all of these attacks were carried out by deranged individuals following the orders of inner demons, but still the left hopes for a violent response by right-wing “bitter clingers,” so named by President Obama himself during a private fund raiser.

The current “government shutdown” seems to be designed to provoke a violent right-wing reaction. War memorials have been barricaded, even iconic national parks such as those at Valley Forge, Yellowstone, and Mount Rushmore have been closed to the American public that purportedly owns them and undoubtedly funds them. At Yellowstone, senior citizens and foreign tourists have been rousted from paid private hotel rooms by armed federal agents and forcibly bused out of the park. Around the closed Mount Rushmore National Park, cones have been set along public highways to prevent tourists even from stopping to take photographs. Meanwhile, a demonstration on the otherwise “closed” National Mall by illegal aliens demanding amnesty was welcomed by the Obama administration with open arms.

In my opinion, the intention of these selected park closures is not only to inflict psychological pain upon the administration’s perceived “enemies” but to provoke a violent response by fed-up Constitutional conservatives. Thus far, none has risen to the bait; so what will the regime do next? I believe that President Obama may be planning to up the ante by orders of magnitude. How might this happen? The “government shutdown” over the continuing resolution bill has turned on the Democrats’ demand for a “clean” CR, but the real battle will come next week when the national debt limit is reached.

What will happen if President Obama and the Democrats in Congress demand a “clean” debt extension, with no upper limits and no attached conditions, just as they have demanded a “clean CR” to fund current government operations? In the battle over the debt limit extension, either the Republicans will fold and accede to Democrat demands for infinite debt, or they will stand their ground just as they have over the CR. If the Republicans refuse to grant Obama an unlimited debt extension, he may play the final card required to send the United States into such violent turmoil that he will be able to declare a state of emergency and rule by decree under the National Emergencies Act.

How would such horrible conditions be created that President Obama might be able to justify seizing emergency power? By cutting off all federal entitlement payments while claiming that he cannot continue them without a debt extension, secure in the knowledge that the mainstream media will continue to dutifully serve as his propaganda arm, blaming recalcitrant Republicans for all of the negative consequences.

While senior citizens on Social Security and other federal pension plan recipients may not immediately take to the streets, going on violent rampages of rioting, looting and burning, there is a segment of our population that will do exactly that: many of the 50 million Americans who today literally put the food on their tables by using an Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) card. While the states administer their individual EBT programs, most of the money comes from the federal government. Please read my previous essay “When the music stops: how America’s cities may explode in violence” to understand the tremendous risk that will accompany a cutoff—even briefly—of EBT payments.

The fact that thousands of Americans might be injured or killed during the nationwide riots that would follow the looting of supermarkets and delivery trucks will not be a moral impediment to the architects of Operation Fast and Furious. You will recall that this infamous “law enforcement operation” resulted in the murders of hundreds of innocent Mexicans and at least two U.S. federal agents by untracked firearms supplied directly to the Mexican drug cartels by our own federal “law enforcement” agencies. With Operation Fast and Furious (“gun control under the radar” in Obama’s own words), this administration has already crossed the mass-murder-for-political-ends Rubicon—and the mainstream media cooperated in the cover-up.

A lifelong Marxist revolutionary who has caused hundreds to be murdered in an attempt at political gain on gun control is not likely to blanch at the prospect of thousands dying in bloody food riots when the stakes are incalculably higher. If “the music stops” and our cities burn, Obama may grasp the opportunity to declare a state of emergency and seize dictatorial powers from the fire and ashes. Those who resist his rule by emergency decree will be declared to be “Tea Party terrorists” by Democrat leaders and their captive media, and we may finally see why the Department of Homeland Security has been purchasing those billions of hollow-point bullets, UAV drones, and armored vehicles.

If this is their calculation, it is a diabolical plan indeed. But a plan to ride a tiger is not the same as riding the tiger. Permanent rule by emergency decree may not be as simple to accomplish as would-be left-wing tyrants believe. Millions of Americans will not be fooled by the deliberately instigated torching of our cities and will not go quietly into the night of Marxist tyranny.


ez bake

Special Hen
Sep 22, 2005
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Tulsa Area

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