My grandson and his dad have been doing some metal detecting in the park and other places lately. My grandson expressed how he wanted his own small shovel of some sort. So, his dad was at a yard sale last weekend and scored an old WW II era E Tool for a buck.
He said it was all rusty and what not, but after some stiff elbow grease, he got it cleaned up and noticed it was fully functional and had the US stamp on the side along with 1944...but no OD canvas cover.
So if anybody out there has a cover for it in the same era, holla at me.
He said it was all rusty and what not, but after some stiff elbow grease, he got it cleaned up and noticed it was fully functional and had the US stamp on the side along with 1944...but no OD canvas cover.
So if anybody out there has a cover for it in the same era, holla at me.