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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
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The defense filed and argued a motion for acquittal. The judge could have ruled in favor of the defense and entered a judgement of acquittal.
She did not.

"A motion for judgment of acquittal is a criminal defendant's request to be acquitted. Such a request is made at the close of the government's case or the close of all evidence. A motion for judgment of acquittal is made when there is no legally sufficient evidentiary basis on which a reasonable jury could return a guilty verdict. In case the motion for judgment of acquittal is granted, the government has no right of appeal."


ETA: There's a toll free number at that link that people can call before posting up something stupid.

O.K. now I actually AM embarrassed. Perry Mason re-runs let me down.

...Still, this case needs to go to the jury. It's the only way the verdict will seem legitimate to people who aren't watching all the testimony.
It'll just be a few more days, and I'm pretty sure that the jury is seeing what you're seeing.


Special Hen
May 1, 2011
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O.K. now I actually AM embarrassed. Perry Mason re-runs let me down.

...Still, this case needs to go to the jury. It's the only way the verdict will seem legitimate to people who aren't watching all the testimony.
It'll just be a few more days, and I'm pretty sure that the jury is seeing what you're seeing.

Should have watched Matlock instead.


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Special Hen Supporter
Dec 9, 2008
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Ponca City Ok
I dont think they will convict but they are going through all the hoops with publick display to show he is in fact innocent so public outcry in the black communities may be minimal.
This is a dog and pony show for the blacks.

Pretty much the way it's happening as previously stated.

Once POTUS checked in, this trial was assured.

He is elected to the most powerful office on the world, and the jack hole falls back to the ghetto rhetoric to show he is a "brother ".

Yet his own brother still lives In a hut in Nigeria and he didn't even visit him while on a 800 million dollar vacation.

Our school kids can't visit the White House, military units are rendered "unusable",
And this jack hole president got beat down by be president of Nigeria.

Bummer was advocating his same sex crap, and the Nigerian president told him in no uncertain terms to GTFO of their politics and heritage.

Good for him!!


Dream Master
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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 16, 2012
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Shawnee, OK
If you guys will remember, initially the police chief & prosecutor declined to press charges, then the outcry started, led by the President.

This was a case of self defense, and it's been clear from the get go.

If this guy is convicted, and I fear he will be, the justice system will have reached an all time low, and that's sayin' something.
I agree with everything you said. Initially the police felt this was a clear case of self defense. Then came the outcry and protesting. And when the president starts issuing statements for the slain kid you know Zimmerman was screwed from that point on. Once all that started Zimmerman was quickly arrested and charged with 2nd murder. I believe that Zimmerman was protecting himself and is going to get found guilty for it. I have felt from the get go that he would be found guilty. And the biggest reason is because people are so worried about what people will do if they find him innocent. But I guarantee you this. If Zimmerman is found innocent you will have never witnessed more rioting and protests since the LA riots. But the sad part of this whole thing is that had this been a white kid that was shot nothing would have been said. But since it was a black kid all hell broke loose. If Martin was such a good kid then why won't the media or anyone else show pictures of him from recently? The only pictures that you see is from when he was 12-14 years old. And he had been suspended from school for fighting and for possessing weed. But his mom tried to say that he was a teen and all teens do that kind of stuff. Well I am sorry but when I was that age I would have never done that. And I never did. That is not the way a typical teen acts. Rather the way a thug would act. And that is why they won't show anything from recently. To me that is prudent in this case to prove that Martin was a thug and a trouble maker. The thing is that Martin picked a fight with the wrong dude and payed for it. And the fact that Zimmerman only fired one shot is even more proof that it was self defense. He fired one shot to stop Martin. And when it did he stopped attacking. I just hope he doesn't get found guilty if he is in fact innocent. But I have a big feeling he will be found guilty just to please Obama and Jesse Jackson and all the other people that will start crap.


Jan 8, 2013
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I've never been sure about the screaming on the 911 recording. The witnesses say Trayvon was on top, and it would not make sense to me for Trayvon to be screaming - unless. Unless a struggle for the Keltec was in progress and Trayvon realized that Zimmerman was going to retain the weapon, and the screams of "No!" were in response to Trayvon's horrible wake up call of what was about to happen.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jan 28, 2008
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Tornado Alley
For those interested in the acquittal debate here is an excellent breakdown. It's written by an attorney who specializes in self defense from of all places Massachusetts. This link will likely point to an updated page sometime tomorrow but there's a ton of info on this guy's blog. It basically has the "blow by blow" happenings of this trial plus full of video, links and sources that he uses.

Here's the legal basis behind the acquittal that never came. He goes into the specific arguments that O'Mara made is good detail without being to heavy on the legalese.

The Standards for a Judgment of Acquittal

O’Mara began by noting the legal standards that exist in Florida for determining whether a judgment of acquittal should be approved or denied.

The first issue is to distinguish between direct and indirect (or circumstantial) evidence, all of which must be considered from the perspective of being most favorable to the State. If there is adequate direct evidence raise a reasonable question of fact for the jury to decide, then the matter belongs in the jury’s realm, and a judgment of acquittal is inappropriate. If the direct evidence is entirely absent, or so slight or incredible that no jury could use it come to a verdict of guilty, then a judgment of acquittal should be approved.

If all the State can bring to the table is circumstantial evidence, however, the threshold for approving a motion for a judgment for acquittal is rather different. Where only circumstantial evidence is at play, that evidence, when viewed in the light most favorable to the State, must be sufficient to exclude any reasonable hypothesis except guilt. That is, unless the circumstantial evidence is so compelling that there exists, at the close of the State’s case, no reasonable doubt, a judgment of acquittal is appropriate.

To put it yet another way, if there exists a reasonable hypothesis of non-guilt (innocence)—that is, a reasonable doubt—before the defense has even presented their case, the State has already failed in its charge to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, and a judgment of acquittal is appropriate.



Special Hen
Dec 22, 2012
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For those interested in the acquittal debate here is an excellent breakdown. It's written by an attorney who specializes in self defense from of all places Massachusetts. This link will likely point to an updated page sometime tomorrow but there's a ton of info on this guy's blog. It basically has the "blow by blow" happenings of this trial plus full of video, links and sources that he uses.

Here's the legal basis behind the acquittal that never came. He goes into the specific arguments that O'Mara made is good detail without being to heavy on the legalese.


Of course we all know that the only reasonable doubt the judge is worried about being proved by the end of this trial is that she, beyond a reasonable doubt, had nothing to do with George Zimmerman walking out a free man.


Special Hen
Jan 7, 2009
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Oklahoma City
I wonder if the Media would have reported the address and SS# of the Judge if he had acquitted Zimmerman? Maybe that is what the Judge was REALLY afraid of? If the jury acquitts, the judge is off the hook????
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