Reminded why I carry....

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Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Today my son and I were running around killing time before our hair cuts. Need a new DE to replace my merkur so I drop sonic off to the dance moms at the Thunder's Rain Drops auditions and we head down broadway to 23rd to hit up Carwin's shave shop. At the light to turn left I see the guy in front of me start to back up. I about flip, but he stops after about 3-4 ft and I cant see how much room I have behind me so I dont move. Right about the time I breath a sigh of relief he starts to back up the remaining 3-4 ft with me laying on my horn. He backs right into me. His bumper (c1500) is sitting on the top of my almost new to me but used g35 coupe. He doesnt notice. I think theres a hitch sticking in my grill so I get out and walk up to his window. My son is still in the car. He's telling me he backed up because the car in front of him did and was going to back into him...I ask if he bothered to check before he backed up? While this is going on, a guy doing a pretty goood impression of Suge Knight drives by in the opposite direction (southbound). He starts yelling to get back in my **** car before I get my **** whooped and *** get their *** shot in this neighborhood for acting a ****. I just point down the street and get back to my conversation. Guy is driving real slow and turns off 23rd and acts like he is about to get out of his car. I pull my phone out, and planned on telling 911 there was a fire on 23rd and broadway since the FD station is 50 yards away, and could respond quicker than PD. He stopped his movement of opening the door when I reached in my pocket. Few things learned, few things asked. Learned: Gun=Amex, never leave home with out it. I am 6ft 230 and guy looked like he would dwarf me, and I was unarmed. Learned: Dont get involved in a situation you are unaware of. I dont know if Suge thought he was being a hero in a road rage incident, or I was just acting a fool on his turf and he took exception as he is the town fool, but it reitterated the fact that as a ccw holder, dont play the hero and rescue anyone you think is in trouble, you dont know what is really going on. This is exactly why instructors say protect you and yours, call the police on the rest (there are exceptions to every rule, so lets not argue that) Asked: 4 year old son in car by himself, if this guy had threatened me, and then stopped and approached me, being outside my car, what should my course of action have been? Or rather, what would yours have been as I would like to see if mine matches..
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Special Hen
Feb 28, 2010
Reaction score
West OKC
Glad everything was ok. I carry all the time. If not on my body, its in the truck. People are crazy now days. I think you did all you could do with the situation.


Nov 9, 2009
Reaction score
Just being me, I wouldn't have left my 4 yo in the car by himself. Let the guy in front of me back into me, but I'm not leaving him in there by himself.


Special Hen
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
I was standing right there, and was trying to get the guy to pull over rather than drive off. The car was locked. I didnt want my front end drug off with his truck and me never see it again. I surely didnt expect anything like that to happen. BTW, I picked up a Parker 98R to replace my Merkur 38c barber pole. I like it better. +1 for Carwin's Shave Shop.


Special Hen
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
Spring, TX
Sometimes the threat of a firearm, ie reaching into your pocket, reaching into the back of your pants, etc is enough to change things as it appears was the case here but it is still necessary to be able to back that action with the next step which is the producing of the actual firearm.

My friend was on his way to TCC one evening when a young woman tried to distract him while a van pulled up behind him and two men got out and started approaching his vehicle on both sides from the rear. He reached between his seat and his center console when the woman refused to back away from his truck so he could go around her "broke down" vehicle. She yelled "he's pulling a gun" and they all booked. He didn't have a gun with him but he wished he did in case the threat of force wasn't enough.

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