Romney speaks to his 1% pals

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Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
Reaction score
What I have learned from my long, painful reading experience:

Huffington Post is accepted as an unbiased, non-partisan news source.

The Republicans are rich and mean.

Social Justice is a better justification for hypocrisy than patriotism.

The Democrats are following virtually all of Marx' teachings, but they are NOT, by any stretch, Communists.

The Republicans are greedy capitalist bourgeois running dogs. BTW, this phrase can no longer be attributed to the Communists who no longer exist except in the fevered minds of racist Ocrat haters.

ALL who receive .gov benefits MUST vote for the Social Justice, but un-communist, better reason for hypocrisy party.

FDR started the .gov down the "we know best" path we see today, but somehow this is all Bush IIs fault.

All Democratic administrations have been kind and beneficial to the entire world, but all bad things happen because of Republicans.

Reverse Democrat and Republican in the above sentence.

Anyone calling one group Communist must be a Communist, even though Communism somehow miraculously disappeared around the end of the 80's (better call Castro, don't think he got the word).

Romney is evil because he is rich and mean.

Obama is kewl because he is rich and for Social Justice.

Communists are not Socialists, regardless of the definitions being nearly identical. Neither group is Progressive, Liberal, or any other word that has a negative connotation, but Conservatives must be evil because they didn't redefine themselves to cloud their agendas.

Everyone should do themselves a favor and become a Libertarian. They just want to be left alone by the .gov morons.

Was I clear in my contempt?

Parks 788

Special Hen
Oct 13, 2010
Reaction score
Bristow, OK
That's where I disagree with you guys....of two bad choices, Obama is the better choice. We know where he stands and he has only one more term.

Hahahahaha. That's about the dumbest thing I have ever read on an internet forum.

So, let's give that jackhole four more years to screw chit up more than he already has.

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