The Desecration of Charlton Heston

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Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Since when was Heston a God whose glory allowed him to be desecrated? That's a very strong word.

Cold dead hands is a stupid statement anyway, your hands will still be warm when the paramilitary takes your gun away.

Molon labe is much more defiant and true.

just watch the vid I posted when you get time...Alex Jones has a good message and young people like yourself would be best served to listen to some of it. I don't agree with everything he says, but he is a lone voice saying things that other "media" sources are too scared to say.


Jan 24, 2013
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just watch the vid I posted when you get time...Alex Jones has a good message and young people like yourself would be best served to listen to some of it. I don't agree with everything he says, but he is a lone voice saying things that other "media" sources are too scared to say.

Yes, if you take away reason, responsibility and accountability you can say pretty much anything you want to.

I do find it amusing that Alex is so upset about a "comedy" skit demonizing a dead man and then talks about calling up his buddy, Ted Nugget. The man who famously said, "Obama, he's a piece of ****. I told him to suck on my machine gun ...". He was not joking when he said it. I don't care what your politics are, I don't care if you hate Obama. He's the duly elected POTUS. The Dixie Chicks were trashed for saying that they were "ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas." Yeah, that's a whole lot worse than what Ted said, right?
Alex Jones is a demagogue. He sales the cue to an illness he claims you have.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Since when was Heston a God whose glory allowed him to be desecrated? That's a very strong word.

Cold dead hands is a stupid statement anyway, your hands will still be warm when the paramilitary takes your gun away.

Molon labe is much more defiant and true.

Charleton Heston was cut from a different cloth. The rolled up that fabric a while back. You youngsters get to enjoy your silks and satins and lace. Some of us remember when being a man meant something.


Jan 24, 2013
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Charleton Heston was cut from a different cloth. The rolled up that fabric a while back. You youngsters get to enjoy your silks and satins and lace. Some of us remember when being a man meant something.

Charlton Heston was, by all accounts, a great man. Married to the same woman for 60+ years. Fought in WWII. Fought against discrimination long before it was popular in Hollywood to do so. And it's a bit ironic that for most of his life, he would have been disparaged on this board as a libby. He was a democrat and supported democrats running for POTUS. And he was actually a stanch advocate for gun control, once saying, "AK-47's are inappropriate for private ownership, of course". He helped get the 1968 Gun Control Act passed. It was not until later in his life he changed his political leanings.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Yep, and he stood up for his beliefs. When he found he had been mistaken on gun control and on some of the politicians he had supported, he stepped up and worked to correct that mistake.

I canb empathize with him.


Jan 24, 2013
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Yep, and he stood up for his beliefs. When he found he had been mistaken on gun control and on some of the politicians he had supported, he stepped up and worked to correct that mistake.

I canb empathize with him.

Well, that's one way to look at it. The major component of the Gun Control Act of 1968 was the creation of the FFL system. As far as I know, he never, even as president of the NRA, supported repealing that act. There's no reason to believe he felt he was wrong or had to correct any of his previous actions. It wasn't until Wayne LaPierre started controlling NRA policy that the NRA adapted the stance that anyone that supports any form of gun control was a "gun grabber".


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
Yes, if you take away reason, responsibility and accountability you can say pretty much anything you want to.

I do find it amusing that Alex is so upset about a "comedy" skit demonizing a dead man and then talks about calling up his buddy, Ted Nugget. The man who famously said, "Obama, he's a piece of ****. I told him to suck on my machine gun ...". He was not joking when he said it. I don't care what your politics are, I don't care if you hate Obama. He's the duly elected POTUS. The Dixie Chicks were trashed for saying that they were "ashamed the president of the United States is from Texas." Yeah, that's a whole lot worse than what Ted said, right?
Alex Jones is a demagogue. He sales the cue to an illness he claims you have.

Go to wal-mart and get you some milk, then download some apps on your iphone, and go home and play some xbox and watch some NCAA basketball...everything is fine...perhaps we should even arrest Ted Nugent?

Charleton Heston was cut from a different cloth. The rolled up that fabric a while back. You youngsters get to enjoy your silks and satins and lace. Some of us remember when being a man meant something.

Amen Mr. we just have all this BPA filled water and girly-men...everyone is special...everyone gets a trophy just for showing has weakened the country as evidenced by the last 2 elections. That and of course all the intentional distractions.

Charlton Heston was, by all accounts, a great man. Married to the same woman for 60+ years. Fought in WWII. Fought against discrimination long before it was popular in Hollywood to do so. And it's a bit ironic that for most of his life, he would have been disparaged on this board as a libby. He was a democrat and supported democrats running for POTUS. And he was actually a stanch advocate for gun control, once saying, "AK-47's are inappropriate for private ownership, of course". He helped get the 1968 Gun Control Act passed. It was not until later in his life he changed his political leanings.

Yes he changed when he stopped doing this....good advice:



Nov 1, 2010
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The comedy skit and song "Cold Dead Hands" is a horrible lie and a vicious attack on honest, hard-working, God-fearing, red-blooded Americans who love their country and everything it stands for. These people would protect the rights of other Americans with their lives which includes the right to bear arms enumerated in the 2nd amendment to the Constitution of the United States. This right is not negotiable but is an inherent right that the people have to protect themselves and their families from anyone who threatens their freedom.

In this video, gun owners are characterized as ignorant, dangerous, insensitive and aggressive exhibiting the traits of neanderthals who want nothing more than to attack someone. Jim Carey tries to convey the ultimatum that if you are a gun-right supporter, you're a cold, insensitive person incapable of love and compassion. This is an ultimatum he's trying to deliver where the viewer either supports gun control or they are a horrible person. He also depicts gun owners (in this case Charlton Hesston) as being dangerous to themselves and ignorant in the use of weapons when Hesston shoots his foot with the shotgun. This is a horrible lie and couldn't be farther from the truth. In reality, gun owners are some of the most knowledgeable and respectable people I've ever known. I've been around hundreds of gun-toting Americans at one of the gun rallies at the capitol and didn't feel the least bit worried that anyone there would use them to attack someone else. That's because they are responsible people who understand and respect the gun and treat them appropriately.

Any "American" who supports gun control I say is NOT a patriot of this country because they want to change it. Anyone who voted for the POTUS is a traitor to the nation because they voted for CHANGE... changing the nation from what it is into something that it is not. If you change America, it is no longer America, but something else, a mutant monstrosity that leaves the people vulnerable to authoritarians who want nothing more than to dictate the people. In this case, it's liberals who want to force their beliefs onto others. I'm calling you out, "Ace_on_the_Turn" for being a liberal shill operating in this forum for the purpose of causing a disturbance and attempting to influence public opinion for your own agenda. I say you are a traitor and unpatriotic, going against the rights 50,000 patriotic Americans sacrificed their lives over in the 1700s.

Lastly, Jim Carey is a traitor to his country and the fallen heroes of the Revolutionary War. He is a Canadian infiltrator bringing his liberal agenda to America and should be stripped of his citizenship and shipped back to Canada where he belongs.


Jan 24, 2013
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Yes he changed when he stopped doing this....good advice:

As I pointed out, he didn't, in fact, change. He never repudiated his support for the gun control laws he helped to enacted. There's no reason to believe that he didn't think the FFL (which, as you know, greatly limits interstate gun sales) system was appropriate. He was an opponent of the 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban, no question about that. But, he didn't label proponents "gun grabbers". He didn't use the kind of demagoguery that the NRA uses today. He was a man of principle and class.

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