Need help with "Conflicted... Cards"

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Jun 19, 2013
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Oklahoma Panhandle
Hey Y'all, I've been following the "Conflicted" series for a while. So, today, I decided to copy them all down for others to read and reflect on. Problem is, I can't bring up Cards #1 through #17. Anybody have them? Or, how can I get them?


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Apr 12, 2006
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2. You were forced out of your survival retreat by an incoming hostile army. Now on the run, food and water are low. You and your survivalist friends can barley stave off hunger by foraging. One of your friends comes to you in need of advice. His spouse decided she'll sell her body for supplies at the trade post, in order to feed the children. your friend is between a rock and a hard place and needs your input.
What would your advice be?

3. A total collapse of modern society has happened, and now its time to rebuild.
What type of government would be best to help rebuild society; centralized or decentralized?
What about at a federal level?
And at a local level?

4. Martial law has been declared and police and military are going house to house looking for food, water and supplies to confiscate. Your supplies are well hidden and would not be found through normal questioning and searching procedures. However, the official coming to your house is a relative and knows what you have. He informs you that it is his duty to take your supplies or arrest you and your family.
How would you address this situation?

How would you deal with betrayal in a world post-collapse?
There are no laws but the ones you and your group choose to observe. where do you draw the line between forgiving someone and seeking justice?
Give examples.

6. Someone in your group has gear that would be better used in the hands of another member who's more experienced. The owner doesn't want to lend his equipment because modern society has collapsed, and his gear is now irreplaceable. Giving his gear to the more qualified person would be a great advantage to your group.
As the group's leader, do you force the man to lend his equipment in order to give the entire group a much needed advantage or do you respect his right to his own property?

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