Rand Paul Wins CPAC Straw Poll

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SM Rider

Dec 18, 2014
Reaction score
So you don't vote?

No. The election system that exists currently is indisputably corrupt and immoral. I won't participate in an immoral process that the 1% control. Others can do so but thats on their conscience.

Of course the naive voter will come back with the illogical retort... "if you don't vote, stfu." Free speech about the political system and process doesn't come with conditions. So if I want to comment about it, I will. But I rarely do, instead preferring to just go about my life without concerning myself about the garbage put out there by those who think themsleves superior to me. They aren't. If anything, they are truly inferior because of their insecurities and narcissistic behavior.

The vote only affords one shot at political activism. My words, if I so choose, are more valuable than a single vote and easily repeated daily. I've had more success in my life swaying the minds and opinions of others towards truth with words than any vote will ever do.


Special Hen
Sep 1, 2009
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No. The election system that exists currently is indisputably corrupt and immoral. I won't participate in an immoral process that the 1% control. Others can do so but thats on their conscience.

Of course the naive voter will come back with the illogical retort... "if you don't vote, stfu." Free speech about the political system and process doesn't come with conditions. So if I want to comment about it, I will. But I rarely do, instead preferring to just go about my life without concerning myself about the garbage put out there by those who think themsleves superior to me. They aren't. If anything, they are truly inferior because of their insecurities and narcissistic behavior.

The vote only affords one shot at political activism. My words, if I so choose, are more valuable than a single vote and easily repeated daily. I've had more success in my life swaying the minds and opinions of others towards truth with words than any vote will ever do.

You don't vote! What are ya boy a commie? Every for years tptb give us a choice between a "right" puppet and a "left" puppet, that's freedom. Just think of the Bushs. Clintons,gores, and mccains we've had. That's just the presidential election, look at the difference made after all the republicans were voted in, it changed everything.
Please click your sarcasm button before reading.

SM Rider

Dec 18, 2014
Reaction score

You don't vote! What are ya boy a commie? Every for years tptb give us a choice between a "right" puppet and a "left" puppet, that's freedom. Just think of the Bushs. Clintons,gores, and mccains we've had. That's just the presidential election, look at the difference made after all the republicans were voted in, it changed everything.
Please click your sarcasm button before reading.

I get your sarcasm. We're in a small group on this forum. :)


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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 15, 2012
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Twilight Zone
No. The election system that exists currently is indisputably corrupt and immoral. I won't participate in an immoral process that the 1% control. Others can do so but thats on their conscience.

Of course the naive voter will come back with the illogical retort... "if you don't vote, stfu." Free speech about the political system and process doesn't come with conditions. So if I want to comment about it, I will. But I rarely do, instead preferring to just go about my life without concerning myself about the garbage put out there by those who think themsleves superior to me. They aren't. If anything, they are truly inferior because of their insecurities and narcissistic behavior.

The vote only affords one shot at political activism. My words, if I so choose, are more valuable than a single vote and easily repeated daily. I've had more success in my life swaying the minds and opinions of others towards truth with words than any vote will ever do.

The fact that the southern border is wide open, the Federal laws not enforced, operation chokepoint, the use of the IRS to target people based on their political opinions as well as the US and its allies arming ISIS and others who hate us have rendered this government's authority questionable at best. The government is simply comprised of people, buildings and vehicles...that's all, it is not just some all-seeing eye or deity but we act as if it is...many of those people make big bucks and are only out for personal agendas and/or personal gain. It is no different than if you had corrupt executives in a corporation such as ENRON. Now imagine if ENRON had it's own corporate security force to use intimidation and coercion to keep the mid-level employees in check from blowing any whistles or from any dissent for fear of personal harm or retribution? Except in this case, you simply can't just "go find another job (country)".

Illegals are used as a weapon against conservative middle class tax payers by the democrat party; it is being "done" to us. They are and will continue to be used to vote for socialism and to take away liberties and money from you and your family, and the "corporate" national security forces in black masks use strong-arm tactics to prevent you from even saying anything much less stopping this from happening by enforcing border security (oathkeepers, minutemen, etc.) that the gov't itself will not do. It is the perfect scheme and is essentially open treason; and there is nothing you can do about it...enjoy your hamburgers, beer and football while it lasts. Because soft-tyranny backed up by paid mercenaries (many of them steroid head republicans) has taken over this land; all brought to you via political correctness and cultural Marxism (look it up on youtube, that's what was "done" to YOU just like the British "did" communism to the Russians).

We had a chance but we mocked him (including me)...his name was Ron Paul. But he was shouted down with Alinsky tactics by both the democrats and the republicans and made to look like a kook by the media. "Help us OB-1 Paul, you're our only hope LOL."

EDIT: I still believe in America but we have to wake up people and encourage good-hearted people with a bully pulpit to help us change course and start prosecuting these corrupt people who betray the public. I suppose if the right person is running, then I would encourage voting. But I generally agree that voting doesn't make much difference. If that were the case, the 2010 and 2014 congressional elections would have done more for us. I love my country and my people...but the uniformed ones who often vote themselves benefits at the expense of others, coupled with their elite masters and the war-mongers tends to depress one's patriotism at times because it's like watching a ship you love slowly sink. We need someone like Rand Paul at the helm.
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Special Hen Supporter
Feb 12, 2009
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Under your bed
We had a chance but we mocked him (including me)...his name was Ron Paul. But he was shouted down with Alinsky tactics by both the democrats and the republicans and made to look like a kook by the media. "Help us OB-1 Paul, you're our only hope LOL."

RP didnt play by "their" rules so he was shoved aside. President Kennedy also didnt play by "their" rules and look how that turned out. Coincidence?


Special Hen
Jul 26, 2013
Reaction score
RP didnt play by "their" rules so he was shoved aside. President Kennedy also didnt play by "their" rules and look how that turned out. Coincidence?

What's interesting is Ron actually won the first primary election in Iowa but the deciding votes were in a truck that got lost for a few hours. They said they didn't even know where it was at and couldn't get ahold of it. How could people actually believe BS like that? So in a primary state that sets the tone for the rest of the primary, they announce their favorite candidate as the winner and move on. They couldn't have the people seeing Ron Paul as a viable candidate. If an idea challenges the establishment they have to label it as radical.


Special Hen
Jul 22, 2008
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Oklahoma City
I support Rand Paul not because he is a shining example of libertarianism, but because he represents libertarianism in the mind of much of the public... and having such a figure on the national stage (whether or not he wins) will expose a lot of people to the philosophy. You can't hardly discuss Rand Paul without discussing libertarianism. I don't have any illusions about how this country's problems could be solved by electing all the right people. What WILL turn the country around is changing hearts and minds about liberty.


Aug 14, 2012
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Carson is blowing his chance. So they are starting to separate themselves. Won't be long and all that'll be left us Rubio, maybe Bush and maybe Paul.


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Special Hen Supporter
Oct 9, 2012
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I support Rand Paul not because he is a shining example of libertarianism, but because he represents libertarianism in the mind of much of the public... and having such a figure on the national stage (whether or not he wins) will expose a lot of people to the philosophy. You can't hardly discuss Rand Paul without discussing libertarianism. I don't have any illusions about how this country's problems could be solved by electing all the right people. What WILL turn the country around is changing hearts and minds about liberty.

As usual, you're right.
Even if the bed-wetters want to minimize Ron Paul's influence in the last election, there's no getting around the fact that he brought up legitimate topics that most politicians never discuss.
Thankfully, most of those influenced were younger folk. Most people my age are too stupid to see anything beyond R and D, and what their political indoctrination told them to think

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