Student Pummels Teacher

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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 27, 2017
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Keep in mind through all of this, you're not the "normal" teacher. You're older, male, non-career, non teaching degree teacher. You won't see things the same way as many of them do.
Absolutely. But my eyes are on the ground and I see and hear about the other teachers both first hand and from what the kids tell me.
And keep in mind the main snag from what I see here is discipline. You cannot teach curriculum (ie make em less dumber) when you are maintaining discipline and trying to maintain order.
Did you know that many school districts have no minimum seat time (attendance) requirement? You have students passing classes who are hardly ever there. That’s a school board issue not a district and certainly not a teacher issue.
It’s a CF for sure.
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Special Hen Supporter
Mar 27, 2017
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When I was a kid a million years ago adults would show up to volunteer and support their kids and teachers in public school. Probably helped them understand any issues going on.

I think society needs to do this more today. Maybe we’d all have a better grasp of the crap show going on.

I challenge everyone to contact their local school and offer to help any way they can.
I have about 140 students and saw about 8-9 of their parents and guardians during the two night parent teacher conferences.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2022
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The number of students per teacher continues to increase.
The respect and compensation to the teachers continues to decrease.

The amount of training required to be a classroom teacher has decreased, and a lot of that training relates to classroom management and child psychology, not the subject they teach.

How do we change this situation without bringing in more trained teachers?
How do you bring in more teachers without making the profession more lucrative and competitive with other professions?

Please explain the systematic inefficiencies you refer to.

I work in business and understand how to generate a profit or at a very minimum make a cost center not a liability. At this time public education is consuming massive amounts of money and not making financial sense when a cost benefit analysis has been performed.

Money is not the issue here we are throwing massive amounts at this problem and not getting anything back on the investment spent. Its time to find a different solution to this problem . In every process there must be efficiencies and measurable effectiveness for it to pay off , public education is delivering neither so the fat needs to be trimmed some where.

More money is NOT the answer there is waste and inefficiency at hand here .


Special Hen
Jun 3, 2013
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Central Oklahoma
Lack of discipline in public Ed is a huge problem. My kid comes home all the time complaining about how little Johnny is constantly disruptive in class. Everyone knows the office doesn’t do anything to unruley students. The standing joke is that if you want a piece of candy and a pat in the back….. get sent to the office. And the bigger the class…. The more little Johnnies there are to put up with.

Let the teachers teach and let the principals handle the discipline.

Raido Free America

Radio Free America
Special Hen
Jan 24, 2020
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Tulsa, OK.

Middle School Student Mercilessly Pummels His Teacher …

What can be done to prevent harm to teachers other than parental responsibilities? Engage other students to defend the teacher? All the other students do usually is video the beatings or watch the event. Certainly a student can be selected before an attack or a semester begins to step up and aid the teacher from being maimed or worse. It has happened that a student has assumed some protective responsibility and manhandled an attacker but I would imagine that students assisting the teacher is somewhat remote.
Teachers aren't being paid to be beaten, they are paid to teach and both state and federal government are not doing their job, they seem to turn their collective heads when a problem arises and leave it up to the School Board or School Superintendent to resolve.
BOLOGNA!!!!! Kids are a lot like horses, you first have to get their attention, before you can teach therm anything! When some genius decided teachers can no longer punish kids, when THEY NEED IT, put the kids in charge of the class room! A heard of elephants in a game reserve had the dominate male killed by poachers. With no adult supervision, the adolesent males, became PUNKS, and started doing all kinds of delinquent things! A new domonate male was introduced into the heard,. and in one day the NATURAL ORDER WAS RESTORED! THESE WEREN'T BAD SEED ELEPHANTS, THEY SIMPLE NEEDED ADULT SUPERVISION!


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Special Hen Moderator Moderator
Nov 28, 2010
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Absolutely. But my eyes are on the ground and I see and hear about the other teachers both first hand and from what the kids tell me.
And keep in mind the main snag from what I see here is discipline. You cannot teach curriculum (ie make em less dumber) when you are maintaining discipline and trying to maintain order.
Did you know that many school districts have no minimum seat time (attendance) requirement? You have students passing classes who are hardly ever there. That’s a school board issue not a district and certainly not a teacher issue.
It’s a CF for sure.
That is THE problem where ever there are problems. Nobody at the appropriate level wants to step up and make kids and parents responsible for their student's actions. Take care of discipline problems then teachers will stay, until that happens they will continue to leave.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2022
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I think a lot of folks especially those who advocate everyone be "educated" has forgotten the simple truth of the matter . Not everyone needs to be in school or should be in school , as my Grandad said " The world needs ditch diggers too son"

Cull the ones who shouldn't be there and let the remainder get an education.


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Special Hen Supporter
Jun 23, 2017
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Midwest City, Oklahoma, 73110
One thing you seldom hear about is discipline problems, especially about students assaulting their teachers, when it comes to private Christian or non-Christian schools or academies. Why? The one biggest difference is that student in these institutions are taught respect, and discipline is absolute.

On their own time children may act like children OR monsters, but in class they WILL be polite and respectful to each other and adhere to authority - period! On the other side of the coin teachers have to demonstrate that they are competent in both teaching AND with handling the needs of children. Substitutes are rare so teachers have to learn about their charges and individual student needs.

Some say that this approach is nothing more than indoctrinating or 'brainwashing' children to just be drones in society. Well it's become pretty apparent that things like participation awards, being told that they can do whatever they want out of fear of 'offending' them (or being attacked), and teaching them that they are little 'adults' able to make their own decisions about all things including what gender they choose for themselves, is not working.

The public school system needs to return to the time when school board members feared the parents and could lose their job, instead of parents being in fear of the school board whose members wield total control, as it is now. Teachers need to know that as long as they haven't violated the law, they and not the students are in charge in the classroom, and that the school board has their back.


Special Hen
Nov 18, 2022
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One thing you seldom hear about is discipline problems, especially about students assaulting their teachers, when it comes to private Christian or non-Christian schools or academies. Why? The one biggest difference is that student in these institutions are taught respect, and discipline is absolute.

On their own time children may act like children OR monsters, but in class they WILL be polite and respectful to each other and adhere to authority - period! On the other side of the coin teachers have to demonstrate that they are competent in both teaching AND with handling the needs of children. Substitutes are rare so teachers have to learn about their charges and individual student needs.

Some say that this approach is nothing more than indoctrinating or 'brainwashing' children to just be drones in society. Well it's become pretty apparent that things like participation awards, being told that they can do whatever they want out of fear of 'offending' them (or being attacked), and teaching them that they are little 'adults' able to make their own decisions about all things including what gender they choose for themselves, is not working.

The public school system needs to return to the time when school board members feared the parents and could lose their job, instead of parents being in fear of the school board whose members wield total control, as it is now. Teachers need to know that as long as they haven't violated the law, they and not the students are in charge in the classroom, and that the school board has their back.

Rolling it back pre Jimmy Carter would be a good start. Reagan tried and failed sadly, the Dept of Ed should never have been created.

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