What is the state law on producing I.D. on demand from law enforcement

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Special Hen
Nov 5, 2022
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The Kern County squad car thing was a bad joke. And it's proof stuff on the internet never dies. No cars went on the street that way. Really piss poor judgement not only to do that but also to take pictures and send them all over the web.

But I can see the humor in it.
Reminds me of the classic skateboarding shirt



Special Hen
Jun 9, 2021
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Not in Oklahoma!
There is no duty to carry a ID when riding a bike.

I have 2 properties on the same road seperated by about 1000 feet road frontage.

I frequently walk from one to the other along the road, at whatever hour suits me.

Our local force enjoys kicking on the lights and stopping me if it is dark.

First thing they always ask is wanting my ID.

They call it in for a warrent search I bet!

One night one of the hot head patrol kids proceded with his ID bull crap, and I bluntly stated "Do I need ID to walk the street?

He stated, I do not have to show him if I do not want to.

I sternly told him to have a good night and turned and walked away!

On a different occasion, but a year or so prior to the one above, the same jackass did the same when I was almost to my home.

He asked me where I live, and I pointed to the house (we were less than 50 yards from my property line).

I was carring my mason jar (I use mason jars for drinking water, tea, and 50/50 water / grape juice mixed) and this joker was really concerned if I had alcohol in the jat at one time!
At the end of our conversation, he asked if I wanted a ride home! ☹️

Maybe he is / was the alcoholic!

Couple times I have saw them go by and turn around when I was close to my one neighbors driveway.

I duck down the neighbors drive, and let them wonder where I went! Lol


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Special Hen Supporter
Nov 18, 2021
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Somewhere west of Tulsa
I've seen them and as I have always stated, I will call out police officers I see making poor if not illegal decisions. I have done so when I wore a badge and will continue to do so. I will not call them out unless I get the entire story and from different sources not just the MSM parroting their agenda. I will usually back the officers until I see facts to change my mind which I like to think I will do so fairly.
What the trolls here don’t understand and do not want to admit is no one hates a bad cop more than a good cop and none of us will stand by and allow them to get away with whatever it is they are guilty of. They also refuse to acknowledge that there are many, many more good cops out there than bad cops. These losers are just here to stir up trouble, ignore them and they’ll slither back under the rock they came from.

OK Corgi Rancher

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Special Hen Supporter
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
What the trolls here don’t understand and do not want to admit is no one hates a bad cop more than a good cop and none of us will stand by and allow them to get away with whatever it is they are guilty of. They also refuse to acknowledge that there are many, many more good cops out there than bad cops. These losers are just here to stir up trouble, ignore them and they’ll slither back under the rock they came from.

I've said that over and over here but it falls on deaf ears.

And BTW...I haven't worn a badge for over 20 years. Just FYI for you noobs.

What if a person does not have a ID?

There is no law I know of requiring a person to have a ID!

Not just for the sake of having an ID. But there are various laws that state you must provide ID to do certain things...vote, buy guns, liquor, etc... There's no requirement to have ID to ride a bike. But if you commit a violation while riding the bike you're required to identify yourself on demand of peace officer.


Special Hen
Jul 29, 2023
Reaction score
The Kern County squad car thing was a bad joke. And it's proof stuff on the internet never dies. No cars went on the street that way. Really piss poor judgement not only to do that but also to take pictures and send them all over the web.

But I can see the humor in it.
Of course the humor is all you see. And no it was not a bad joke, it was and still is how they feel about their Citizens.



Special Hen
Jul 29, 2023
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What the trolls here don’t understand and do not want to admit is no one hates a bad cop more than a good cop and none of us will stand by and allow them to get away with whatever it is they are guilty of. They also refuse to acknowledge that there are many, many more good cops out there than bad cops. These losers are just here to stir up trouble, ignore them and they’ll slither back under the rock they came from.
Oh there is that term troll again, since that seems to be my name on here, I guess I will respond. I hope the good Cops out number the bad ones. And you say that they do and you say that no one hates a bad Cop more than a good one, and that you don't stand by and allow whatever they are doing to continue, can I ask what you do to stop them or prevent their behavior?


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
May 17, 2020
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I've said that over and over here but it falls on deaf ears.

And BTW...I haven't worn a badge for over 20 years. Just FYI for you noobs.

Not just for the sake of having an ID. But there are various laws that state you must provide ID to do certain things...vote, buy guns, liquor, etc... There's no requirement to have ID to ride a bike. But if you commit a violation while riding the bike you're required to identify yourself on demand of peace officer.
Every state has different ID laws. Texas law 38.02 says you are required to identify only after being arrested (or getting a traffic violation, etc). Oklahoma (like Texas) is also NOT a stop & ID state. However, I can’t find any specific ID OK penal code like Texas has. So in OK, unsure If being detained for suspicion criminal activity requires someone to produce ID, or is it like Texas where you don’t have to ID unless arrested (other than Citations/tickets). Maybe an attorney here can clarify?

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