The suspicion was not based on openly carrying a handgun that reasonably appeared to be a handgun. It was based on openly carrying a handgun that reasonably looked like an illegally modified rifle. Additionally, the defendant had painted the tip of the barrel orange, which aroused further suspicion that it might be an attempt to disguise an illegally modified rifle.
Furthermore, you can thank the NRA for the Second Amendment's limitation to a handgun for purposes of self defense within one's home.
However, I don't expect people who don't read before posting or commenting to comprehend that. Most people will just take the title of the thread or an excerpt and run with it, while in reality the full story is needed.
No, actually, I think we all pretty much understand the situation. This is EXACTLY what happens when people think they are being clever. It just mucks the entire world up for the rest of us ...
Besides, the facts of case law will never be exactly on point moving forward, so lawyers are free to apply this precedent as they see fit and see what sticks. The judges will sort it all out for us. **rolleyes** Thanks to some moron who needed a little more attention than Mommy and Daddy gave him ...