Id like to add to your statement on elements of islam, theyre killing of people has rarely been justified and helped shape the global war on terrorism, our police and militaries globally would not look like they do had it not been for the impact and troublemaking of radical islam. Islam is witchcraft anyway and they serve demons so it makes sense if you are follower of Jesus and know the Bible as it literally states they would be fighting their own kind and others. On top of that, they have to earn their gods approval by works and they cant even talk to allah, get people healed, and they absolutely cant cast out demons, Islam is garbage. Its not that the people are all garbage, theyre just people who dont know that their god isnt a real god and manipulates them, but fruit never lies about the tree it fell from, and that statement applies to everyone and especially myself. Pray for the nation because there is so much against it and us as the people.Elements of Islam have been killing people worldwide for 1,400 years. If the math is too hard for you Teddy, that’s a bit longer than the US of A has been around.
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