Anyone work midnights or long shifts?

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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 22, 2009
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Happens to me all the time. I'll have people say to me, "I passed you on the highway the other day. I waved, but you didn't wave back. Did you not see me?"

My usual response is, "I was more than likely asleep." :zzz2:
Auto pilot. Been there myself. It’s like a blackout while being awake.


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Special Hen Supporter
May 19, 2010
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S E Okla
I worked nights and days rotation. 8 days of 6 am to 6 pm then off for 4 days. Go back to work on nights 6 pm to 6 am then back to days. I was tired all the time not counting travel time. A lot of 16 hr days and very little sleep . Worst job I ever had.
Second worst was dispatch, 2 evenings, 2 nights and last shift was 6 pm to noon.
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Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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I worked rotating shift most of my working life. 8 hr shift, add 4 hr overtime to 40% of shifts. Money was good, family life was tough. When daughter was in grade school, she would tell friends, "daddy is on bear shift (night), don't call, knock on door or come over."
Worked a plant start up, we worked 2 - 16s and a 12, no days off, no vacation for 19 months.
Last 15 years, worked 12 hr rotating shift. Much better than the 8 hr rotation. I worked 0 overtime. To the point that most would not ever ask me if I would work.

After 45 years of shift, I find myself, on occasion, it will be 5 am and I am still up, or I wake up at 3 am and make coffee, drink 3 - 4 cups and get busy.


Conservitum Americum
Special Hen
Jan 19, 2019
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I just started working night shifts again, it has been at least 5+ years since the last time I did. Use to being at work around 6 a.m. Didn't know if I would like it or not. I am really liking it. I get really good sleep. Actually do stuff before and after work. But there is almost nothing open when I get off of work and I live in Norman. Just bars, a few gas stations, and Crest. Last time I worked nights work just kept working me to death for weeks, every day 12 hours or so. One night on the way home I ran a red light and didn't even notice it for about a block. Thank god it was summer in Norman and a Tuesday night, no one was out at all. Well I had a little talk with work about that and went to shorter shifts and better days off. Oh, I motorcycle so that was extra bad if something would of happened that night. The only draw back I can see is maybe my electricity bill could be higher or not. Just going to wait and see.
One of my graveyard/hootowl shifts I drove from one end of town to the other and didn't remember how I did it. I went to the PD and took a 20 minute nap.

At Fort Sill I had two months of 12 hour hoots during the Winter and never got to see the sun. It was really getting me down but I didn't know it. When shift change arrived, I was finally getting my groove back and wasn't so moody
Jul 30, 2010
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In the Air Force (70-78),,,
I (and many others) worked way worse shifts than an 11 to 7 mid shift.

We worked:
Two days (7 to 3)
Then two swings (3 to 11),,,
Then two mids (11 to 7),,,
Then two days off.

So it was Monday & Tuesday - days
Wednesday & Thursday - swings
Friday & Saturday - mids
Sunday and Monday - off

So we not only had our circadian rhythm messed up by the constant change,,,
We had to work six days to get two days off.

We only got a Friday/Saturday weekend every seventh week,,,
Day-baggers worked a Monday/Friday working week,,,
And always had Saturday/Sunday weekends.

We hated them!

The AF utilized this as it covered the most hours with the least men,,,
Even though they knew that it affected one physically and mentally.

Proof that the AF knew was in the fact that ,,,
Regulations forbade Air traffic controllers from working those rotating shifts.

My favorite shift was when I got to work non-rotating swing shifts,,,
They were perfect as you always had time to run daytime errands,,,
And when you got off shift it wasn't too late to hit the NCO club for a few beers.

But not too much beer before a sensible end to the day. :thumbup3:

Straight mids weren't too bad,,,
You could still do daytime chores after work,,,
But I always hated trying to sleep during daylight hours.


P.S. sorry for the thread-jack.


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