Are guns basically your only hobby?

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Special Hen Supporter
Aug 19, 2010
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over yonder
My hobbies last for 3 years or so then I'm on to something new. I'm a casual gun enthusiast but not a real gun geek. If I can't read the name on the gun and it's not a glock I probably won't be able to tell you what it is. But I went thru about a 3 year period of being a real training junky; took quite a few defensive shooting classes from some well known and some local instructors.

Also like to fish but can't say I'm very successful so far.
Love my dogs.

In the past I've had a couple of dune buggies, built and flew a gyroplane, powered parachute, 25 skydives.
Played in several bands back in college days and thought I wanted to do that for a living; glad it didn't turn out that way.

I'm mechanical and like making something useful out of the scraps I've hoarded.

Jack of all trades and master of none fits me pretty good.
Apr 7, 2009
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You guys need to slow down so the resident ATF folks can flesh out your dossiers ;)

For my part, wood working and collecting/working on antique desktop fans. I’ve produced a few items of furniture - dining room table, computer desks, jeweler’s bench, night stand, etc. I enjoy Emerson big-motor six-bladed fans dating from the first third of the 1900s, as well as General Electric “pancake” fans. I also enjoy using a hobbyist metal lathe to turn out small items I can use in projects - knobs, odd-shaped bolts, knurled handles, etc. I’d like to get a 1-1.5 hp mill to expand my metal working abilities, but money and space limitations at the time preclude that.
May 14, 2020
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Greater Francis, OK metropolitan area
I like to collect guns. Not anything in particular. Maybe I should say I like to "acquire" guns. Now that we've moved to our current place the hobby farming keeps me busy enough taking care of goats, guineas and chickens.

I'd say I haven't shot somewhere in the neighborhood of 40% of the guns I own. Some I've had for years. No reason, really...I just like having them around and admiring them. I'm fascinated by the craftsmanship of some and just enjoy the mechanics of how they function. With some it's the history aspect I enjoy.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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Guns, reloading, shooting (skeet, trap, Clays, target, cowboy) hunting; through the years the main interests have ebb and wained. Depending on area, opportunity and friends.

To add to the madness, camping, fishing, boating, horses, cattle, rodeo, baseball (playing, coaching, umpiring), custom and classic cars, woodworking, remodeling and tools.

What activity / hobby is #1 changes, but never goes away. Covid screwed everything up, I can't do as much or tolerate weather (hot or cold) and energy levels limit activity.

My latest "hobby" is nursing the Wif through cancer and back to health to the point I can actually do some of the above.


Special Hen
Nov 25, 2020
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I would say game cameras and prepping for hunting season are my big hobby when hunting season is not around. I know it sounds weird but prepping for season and the anticipation are almost as good as it happening.

Now I like guns but they are more of a tool to me.
used to be the same way everything revolved around deer hunting or my duck boat now no pretty much all my hunting buddies are gone so im on my own. Not as obsessed but won’t ever give it up .
Mar 3, 2019
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I am one of those that has dabbled in a lot of 'hobbies' Been rasing goats now for 30 years. Used to go to fairs with them all around the country. Have a bit of woodworking experience, learning trial and error. Built my present home ( home now for almost 40years ). Built my off grid cabin plans...just started nailing boards together. Have many years of experience gardening. have a ham radio license.....something I started in some 50 years ago.....let go....then revived just a few years ago. Nurtured bees for a few years.
Nov 18, 2022
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Not even , in fact I am less plugged into firearms as a hobby than I was a decade ago . I have owned a LOT of guns over the years though , and don't have the fomo gun owners seem to have now . I am speaking to the younger shooters mostly even though I know a few people who are late to guns who are scrambling to buy guns in their new addiction. My firearms purchasing is mostly investment grade guns now and not as frequent now , I am not wasting my time , efforts or money chasing down another glock , or similar .

I have said it before but younger shooters take this advice and buy less quantity and more quality ( no that doesn't mean another AR to add to the 50 you have already ) .

Shifting gears my interests include collecting vintage camping and hunting equipment , to include stoves and lanterns . Photography , cycling , collecting knives . I still collect some military equipment but having collected military arms and equipment for 30 years I am past that now mostly unless its a very rare piece of kit.


Special Hen
May 18, 2020
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Del City, OK
It is for me. Although you have to include .mil history in that as well.

I just love guns.

Outside of work and my family, I would say 95% of my discretionary time is related to guns or military history.

I love to travel, but it has to have gun (or .mil) stuff related to it, at least a little bit. Whenever I travel I always hit museums related to .mil or gun history when I can. Went to Paris and London recently. Hit the Imperial War Museum, RAF Museum, Hotel Invalide and National Maritime Museum. Every trip, includes a museum hit, if I can. Going to Austin a couple of weeks. Will hit the Texas Forces Museum (for the 87th time

If I'm watching TV by myself it is gun Youtube stuff. C&Rsenal, Forgotten Weapons, Bloke on the Range, Mark Felton, etc...

I go to the range at least once a week and usually two or three times. I mess around with brass constantly.

Gun shows (especially Tulsa) are my Nirvana.

I confess...I'm addicted and I don't care.

My wife is a saint. She allows it.

in total transparency, I'm 5 Mojitos in and get super chatty
Nope. I've learned the basics of being a machinist so can can make and repair my own, guns... Among other things. ;)

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