Uhhhh, inferred. Most certainly.
More context for ya. Your government tax dollars at work.
Anyway, the finally removed that poster because even some libs and blacks were offended by it.
But that webpage sure is still there. It shows exactly what our government thinks.
Im sure you will explain it all away.
Yes, i found that page. Where it clearly says "At the National Museum of African American History and Culture, we believe that any productive conversation on race must start with honesty, respect for others, and an openness to ideas and information that provide new perspectives. "
but again, i don't fear talking about ideas. It's a great way to separate the good ones from the bad ones.
And it also sounds like the original poster was a mistake. But i don't think it speaks for the entirety of government any more than i think you speak for the entirety of white males.
It's also interesting that the whole thing with the poster happened prior to Biden even being elected.