Army worms

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Glock 40

Problem Solver
Special Hen
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
I should have known something was up with all the birds in my yard about a week and a half ago. By last Sunday my fescue was destroyed and my Bermuda wasn't far behind. These little *******s laid waste to a large portion of my manicured lawn. I laid down triazacide with a vengeance Monday morning. I am starting to finally see some greening up again and the good rain yesterday helped also.

I initially thought it was just heat damage, but run my sprinklers every other day due to loam soil not holding moisture. I told my wife thank goodness septemer is next month. I will be overseeding 5 star like mad next month.
Dec 1, 2019
Reaction score
Logan County, Originally McCurtain
Bt has a 2 day effectiveness. Bt is nice as a part of established ipm but not in this case. Your first post nailed it.
Yes, I just posted it because of the “sending poison up the food chain” comment. It targets the caterpillars but supposedly not other insects. Targeting just the caterpillars does not affect up the food chain either.

You are right though, I went with the bifenthrin which I recommend for anyone in this case. It’s a serious problem.


Special Hen
May 19, 2016
Reaction score
Green County
So our yard person can’t get to us for a few days but called about army worms. They said Edmond is getting hit bad and to look around the yard. Sure enough, I found a dead one. I have some bags of Triazacide but my research says that the granular isn’t as effective as liquid because they live on the bottom of the blades or leaves. And to make matters worse, Walmart and Lowe’s are out of EVERYTHING. Lowe’s even has hand written signs with arrows pointing to products that kill army worms. However, those places on the shelf are empty.
So, this is a PSA. Keep an eye on your yards.
Neighbor has a yard service and his clients are ringing his phone day and night. Anyway, he said we get army worms every year but hardly ever this bad. This is an exceptional season he said. I have the worms pretty bad. I hit it with Biferen IT but a lot of damage already done. He said to wait another 10 days and hit it again with same stuff. 1oz per gallon per 1000 sq ft. For me that’s 30 gallons of prepared spray. He said that should take care of them and a ton of other pests as well until next spring and summer. Looks like I’ll be over seeding more than I had planned in October. Oh and he said if you are going to over seed this fall, get your seed now. It’s going up as we speak and there will be a shortage of fescue(s). I bought mine two months ago and just waiting until time to throw down. Good luck.

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