Best Calling Weekend Ever for Me

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Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
Stillwater, OK
Here is the whole by play for you guys! My youngest brother and I went out in western OK this weekend and had a great time. We started Sat morning just walking about 200 yrds from the house we were staying in. Sat morning was a beautiful morning with very little wind. My brother has a Foxpro Prairie Blaster and he did the female howl on it and I howled on an open reed with him. After a few minutes of quiet he turned on Lucky Bird and in just a few minutes I had one coming in hard at 60 yrds. I started woofing at him and finally got him stopped at 20 yrds. I knocked him down with the .17 Rem and watched him just a few seconds and he seemed down for good. Looked away for any more and looked back and he was standing up and heading out. Sent another shot at him but missed and he got out of sight. After we were done we walked a little ways and he was piled up dead and we had our first one. We had a big ranch to hunt with a few thousand acres and we just walked down the road to the next spot and had no takers. Went down the road a half mile and set up again at a spot we called some in last year and did the same routine as the first stand but with Lighting Jack and had one come in quick. I heard the brother yelling and looked around in time to see the coyote turn and head out. Darrell gave him a Texas heart shot with the .204 and he dropped dead. Kept calling and I heard him yelling again and turned to see him shoot and the coyote lit the afterburners. I spun around and got on him and it felt good and I shot and rolled him but after getting up to him, the brother assured me he had hit him first, which he had, and I had hit him low in the guts behind my brother's shot. It was about 8:45 and we had 3 down. Here is a pic of the first 3.

We were walking to the next spot and spotted one coming across the pasture toward where we had just called. Darrell took a shot at him and missed and I got down on my monopod and rolled him on the run. He dropped off in a deep canyon and was covered with mange so we didn't go down and take a pic. We went through one deep canyon and came up on the next one and set up on the hill above the canyon looking across to the other side. After a few minutes one came in slow from my right walking right along the lip of the canyon on the side we were on. I slowly moved the rifle into position and he saw me just as I got on him and froze. Made a good shot but he went off the edge to the bottom of the canyon and ran down it 20 yrds or so before dieing. Here is a pic of our 5th coyote for the morning all by 10:00.

The next stand the wind started picking up and by the one after that it was howling. We quit at 12 and went in to take a nap. Started again at 3:30 and made a few stands but the wind was terrible and we never saw anything. It was supposed to be blowing hard all day today and we almost went home last night but decided to stay and try a little anyway. Got up this morning and it was a repeat of yesterday....almost dead calm. We started on the east side of the ranch and walked west along the river. First stand was a blank and we moved down about 1/2 a mile. We were in some brushy sand dunes along the river and I was sitting in a thicket on top of one and Darrell was about 15 yrds behind me on a high point of another. He was running the call and at about 15 minutes, I heard a noise behind me and looked back to see ears coming up the dune right between us. I hoped for a cat but no such luck. About the time I was getting swung around to line up, Darrell shot and the coyote by me lit the afterburner. I yelled like crazy to stop him but could not. I got on him and shot at 75 yrds and rolled him but he jumped up and got over the top of a dune. Found blood on the plum bushes but could not track him in that sand and never found him. Darrell had shot at another coyote about 100 yrds out and made a great shot on it. That was our last one for the morning. We made a few more stands but the wind picked up and it was blowing steady at 20 and gusting much higher. We had a great time together and our best weekend of calling ever. I had hit 3 coyotes on a dead run and hitting one running is a rare thing for me and usually just a waste of good ammo. Here is Darrell with the last one of the trip. Hope you guys enjoyed a long story.

Tyson C.

Special Hen
Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
nice work! just asking to ask but is this private land or public access. sounds like they have never been called at or was a pressured area for them.

hope i get that lucky in Feb.

Sticky Stokes

Special Hen
Aug 15, 2012
Reaction score
Wow, that is a great weekend of hunting right there. Way to thin that population out! Great shooting and thanks for sharing the pics. I really need to go predator hunting, I know there is not a shortage of yotes on the farms I hunt.


Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Apr 29, 2008
Reaction score
Stillwater, OK
It was private land and had seen no pressure. I think the only predator shot there before we got there was a bobcat that was eating on the deer scrap pile right by the house on Dec 1 and a guy leaned out the front door and shot it. I am having very good luck this year, much better than normal. I think I have called in somewhere around 30 coyotes and we have killed 12 or so. I think I am averaging better than one coyote for 2 stands this year and it is usually 1 in 3 on average over the years. Even around Stillwater it has been pretty good but not as good as out west.

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