Bloomberg predicts riots over jobs day before planned Wall Street protest.

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Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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Actually, this is just false.

Actually, this is just true. Who defends big business and drags the suits out for years? More lawyers, and all the while the lawyers on both sides are racking up the hours. Who writes and passes the laws? Mostly lawyers. The whole system is designed, run, and intended to benefit the lawyers.

BB and soonersfan are correct.


Special Hen
May 28, 2006
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On lawyers being the problem - I trust the opinion of a friend who interviewed with a large injury law firm. He turned it down because he saw that they were not in the business of taking cases to court. They routinely told injured people they had a great case and would win a lot of money. Once they signed up, the cases were negotiated out of court.

On insurance companies being the problem - I trust the opinion of a relative who is a doctor. He told me that he had seen far too many cases in which people were denied needed care by their insurance company when they were entitled to such care. When these cases went to court, the insurance company hired a doctor who was in the business of prostituting himself to testify that the care was not needed.

Call it what you want - gaming the system, greed or whatever - it is immoral and widespread. I'm not trying to pick on any particular profession or business. There is plenty of corruption throughout our society. "An honest day's work for an honest day's pay" is something at which most of us scoff.


Special Hen
Mar 6, 2009
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Tran, I actually have. My main issue with the Republican Party is their stance on Tort Reform. Obviously, I have a vested financial interest, but again, it's not as great as you might think as I have managed to move over 70% to Federal Court or out of state. Putting that on the shelf for just a second, the question I often ask here and which never seems to be answered is the following:

Many of you hard core Republicans are guys who do manual or semi-manual labor. You drive trucks, work construction, work factory jobs, drive vending routes, etc. If you are seriously hurt on the job, the reality is that you and your families will face financial ruin. If you get hurt by a bad doctor, or bad product, you will face financial ruin. Why do you keep electing people who are consistently limiting your rights to seek justice in the courts? Seriously, it's like there is no concept of self interest for you or your families.

I cannot speak for others, but I will attempt to answer your question:

1. Poor people do not buy or own jet aircraft. This is the source of my income as a "blue-collar" worker.
2. My potential need for an attorney to adjudicate an insurance or malpractice case is right there with my odds of having the big win at the lottery. I am more likely to need an attorney to protect me from my public-servant government. How about the phrase "You can't fight City Hall"?
3. The 'justice' system in this country is a travesty.
4. The Republicrats, whom I do not like, seem to move more slowly at taking my income and individual rights than the Communist Party now masquerading as the Democrats, Progressives, or whatever the changelings are calling themselves today.
5. If I had to pick an amendment that is most important, it would be the "Insurance Policy for the
Constitution", and not protection of the ability of an over-litigious society to continue their activities. Some personal responsibility is in order here.

I agree with this: It appears we are too far down the road to stop for repairs. A wheel must come off first.


Eye Bleach Salesman
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Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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On lawyers being the problem - I trust the opinion of a friend who interviewed with a large injury law firm. He turned it down because he saw that they were not in the business of taking cases to court. They routinely told injured people they had a great case and would win a lot of money. Once they signed up, the cases were negotiated out of court.

On insurance companies being the problem - I trust the opinion of a relative who is a doctor. He told me that he had seen far too many cases in which people were denied needed care by their insurance company when they were entitled to such care. When these cases went to court, the insurance company hired a doctor who was in the business of prostituting himself to testify that the care was not needed.

Call it what you want - gaming the system, greed or whatever - it is immoral and widespread. I'm not trying to pick on any particular profession or business. There is plenty of corruption throughout our society. "An honest day's work for an honest day's pay" is something at which most of us scoff.

Pretty much spot on. All of them blame someone else while denying they are part of the problem. My biggest beef with lawyers is that they pretend they can police themselves and are looking out for us, when they need to be regulated just like all the others because they are no better.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Pretty much spot on. All of them blame someone else while denying they are part of the problem. My biggest beef with lawyers is that they pretend they can police themselves and are looking out for us, when they need to be regulated just like all the others because they are no better.

Until you need one Ricky boy, until you need one.


Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
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Port Charles
Until you need one Ricky boy, until you need one.

Like Rick says ...

Originally Posted by RickN
Pretty much spot on. All of them blame someone else while denying they are part of the problem. My biggest beef with lawyers is that they pretend they can police themselves and are looking out for us, when they need to be regulated just like all the others because they are no better.

JB Books

Shooter Emeritus
Special Hen
Dec 31, 1969
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Like Rick says ...

Originally Posted by RickN
Pretty much spot on. All of them blame someone else while denying they are part of the problem. My biggest beef with lawyers is that they pretend they can police themselves and are looking out for us, when they need to be regulated just like all the others because they are no better.

And who pray tell shall regulate us, other than the State Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court does a pretty good job of punting bad lawyers from the profession.


Special Hen
Dec 19, 2009
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I find this whole conversation interesting, especially this part.

Pretty much spot on. All of them blame someone else while denying they are part of the problem.

I will, however, play devil's advocate. Are we not all guilty of this? Not just lawyers, but those of us who sit idly by and let this happen to us? And we are ALL guilty of this.

An old quote, but a good one

"If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem."


Special Hen
Dec 19, 2009
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Oh and as for the protests, caught this sign in the crowd, made me laugh! and feel ashamed for my generation....


Eye Bleach Salesman
Supporting Member
Special Hen Supporter
Sep 7, 2009
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And who pray tell shall regulate us, other than the State Supreme Court?

The Supreme Court does a pretty good job of punting bad lawyers from the profession.

A good start would be some common sense tort reform. Like reasonable limits on awards. They do not need to be so high that your great grand kids will never need to work. 5 million or so tops.
Reasonable limits on attorney fees. 1 million or so tops.
No more court shopping.
Loser pays all court and legal fees. (who ever the judgment goes against no matter the amount awarded)
Lawyers and people found to be filing nuisance suits pay all legal and court cost. (split evenly between them)
Many more judges and courts to hear the cases speeding up the process. Even if they have to draft the people to be judges.
etc, etc, etc.

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