Bloomberg predicts riots over jobs day before planned Wall Street protest.

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Special Hen
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
Port Charles
A good start would be some common sense tort reform. Like reasonable limits on awards. They do not need to be so high that your great grand kids will never need to work. 5 million or so tops.
Reasonable limits on attorney fees. 1 million or so tops.
No more court shopping.
Loser pays all court and legal fees. (who ever the judgment goes against no matter the amount awarded)
Lawyers and people found to be filing nuisance suits pay all legal and court cost. (split evenly between them)
Many more judges and courts to hear the cases speeding up the process. Even if they have to draft the people to be judges.
etc, etc, etc.

I do tend to agree with this also. Thank you Rick ... I'm not having to type near so much now. lol


Special Hen
Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Back to the original topic of protesters, where are these people from and what are they thinking? We should have them protest south of the border, and not at a resort. They have no concept of how good they have it and why.

The illegal immigrants we all complain about know how good we have it here. They're also getting a lot more work done than these idiots on Wall St. today.


Special Hen
Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
I remember when I was young and my dad took me around the "old guys", they said the same thing about slavery.

If you think capitalism is bad and doesn't work, you really need to get out (of the country) more. I'll pass on supporting any group affiliated with Acorn, Soros, and labor Unions. I stand by my statement that these people are idiots who need to get jobs and quit whining because people who work harder have more. The system isn't perfect but it is far better than any alternative.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score

If you think capitalism is bad and doesn't work, you really need to get out (of the country) more. I'll pass on supporting any group affiliated with Acorn, Soros, and labor Unions. I stand by my statement that these people are idiots who need to get jobs and quit whining because people who work harder have more. The system isn't perfect but it is far better than any alternative.

Don't remember saying capitalism is bad or that I supported anyone.
Commercial airline pilots and teachers are unemployed idiots?
Who caused and/or profited from the economic collapse, those protesting or the "protested"?
Not saying they're all right, there are many angles and perspectives.
Maybe no system is perfect, ours is good but it's clear it needs some more work.


Special Hen
Sep 26, 2009
Reaction score
Oklahoma City
Don't remember saying capitalism is bad or that I supported anyone.
Commercial airline pilots and teachers are unemployed idiots?
Who caused and/or profited from the economic collapse, those protesting or the "protested"?
Not saying they're all right, there are many angles and perspectives.
Maybe no system is perfect, ours is good but it's clear it needs some more work.
If your jumping on board with Acorn and Soros I think you're an idiot, regardless of your profession. I think the protestors and the protested caused the collapse. We have an epidemic on a personal and governmental level that is called spending more than you make. Government forces risky loans on banks, mortgage companies make risky loans and sell them off as secure mortgage backed securities, people buy houses they can't afford and are foreclosed on, mortgage backed securities go in the crapper, construction goes in the crapper, the economy goes in the crapper. There is plenty of blame to go around and no accountability to be found. Protesting capitalism in hopes of socialism is a joke.

The highest paid employees in the airline industry are at risk of being unemployed because their company is about to go bankrupt. Perhaps their union is putting them out of a job by negotiating such a good deal that the company can no longer remain competitive. Maybe the airline is just an evil big business going bankrupt just to spite its employees. Maybe they'll be another pro-union bailout to make it all better for them. Maybe they should all go protest on Wall St. rather than using some common sense.


Special Hen
Feb 14, 2007
Reaction score
If your jumping on board with Acorn and Soros I think you're an idiot, regardless of your profession. I think the protestors and the protested caused the collapse. We have an epidemic on a personal and governmental level that is called spending more than you make. Government forces risky loans on banks, mortgage companies make risky loans and sell them off as secure mortgage backed securities, people buy houses they can't afford and are foreclosed on, mortgage backed securities go in the crapper, construction goes in the crapper, the economy goes in the crapper. There is plenty of blame to go around and no accountability to be found. Protesting capitalism in hopes of socialism is a joke.

The highest paid employees in the airline industry are at risk of being unemployed because their company is about to go bankrupt. Perhaps their union is putting them out of a job by negotiating such a good deal that the company can no longer remain competitive. Maybe the airline is just an evil big business going bankrupt just to spite its employees. Maybe they'll be another pro-union bailout to make it all better for them. Maybe they should all go protest on Wall St. rather than using some common sense.

Until we see things in the perspective other than left and right, repub and dem and start thinking in terms of right and wrong will/can anything change?

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