Boy Scouts shut down troop for refusing to banish gay scoutmaster

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Special Hen
Mar 27, 2009
Reaction score
Is that supposed to hurt my feelings????
That's actually pretty odd coming from someone from Coweta lol

A bar ....
A bar in which was full of all types. It wasn't just the trash that came in there. Some of them where young pups trying to climb up on any leg they could hump. Other were middle aged or older niece clean cut guys that a lot you'd of never guessed were gay.
You know what they all had in common?
The way they think.

As far as what happened in there....
Ya there were a few fights and stuff. Bout like any other bar.
Our biggest problems were the "Bigots" outside waiting to roll a gay in the parking lot. Including me cause they assumed I was one of them.
For my "I have a black friend so I'm not racist" mentality. You don't have to have gay or black friends to not be a bigot or racist. Do I disagree with their (gays) way of life? Not at all. Hell I'm a freak when it comes to sex, I'll try almost anything once. Or twice lol...
So if giving it or taking up the rear is their thing them more power to them. Don't knock it til you try it I guess, just not my thing. But just because I believe there is a time and place and situations for certain people, doesn't mean I hate them or am a bigot.

I ran this post through the enigma machine and it scored high fabulous.

Spec ops Grunt

Special Hen
Jan 26, 2011
Reaction score
Is that supposed to hurt my feelings????
That's actually pretty odd coming from someone from Coweta lol

A bar ....
A bar in which was full of all types. It wasn't just the trash that came in there. Some of them where young pups trying to climb up on any leg they could hump. Other were middle aged or older niece clean cut guys that a lot you'd of never guessed were gay.
You know what they all had in common?
The way they think.

As far as what happened in there....
Ya there were a few fights and stuff. Bout like any other bar.
Our biggest problems were the "Bigots" outside waiting to roll a gay in the parking lot. Including me cause they assumed I was one of them.
For my "I have a black friend so I'm not racist" mentality. You don't have to have gay or black friends to not be a bigot or racist. Do I disagree with their (gays) way of life? Not at all. Hell I'm a freak when it comes to sex, I'll try almost anything once. Or twice lol...
So if giving it or taking up the rear is their thing them more power to them. Don't knock it til you try it I guess, just not my thing. But just because I believe there is a time and place and situations for certain people, doesn't mean I hate them or am a bigot.

How do they think then?

Also yeah Coweta.

Man the public schools there are a hoot.


In Remembrance 2024
Special Hen
Aug 17, 2010
Reaction score
By his standards a straight man who can't procreate and adopts is not a man either.
Oh, it's better than that. The way he phrased it, you don't become a man until you marry and procreate.

I'd love to hear him say that to the faces of a whole lot of people currently serving in the sandbox, and elsewhere. Some of them will never get the chance to be men, according to him.

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