BREAKING: Multiple Explosions at Finish Line of Boston Marathon

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Special Hen
Mar 24, 2007
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cold, dark
This reminds me of the Olympic Park bombing in Atlanta during the 96' Summer Olympics- the bomb stuffed with nails left in a backpack that detonated killing one person and wounding over 100 other people.


Jan 8, 2013
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I'm waiting for the Spata Update. Last I heard suspect was dark skinned, wearing a hoodie. I cheated and caught it on CNN last night after MN. Theat really seemed to make the phallus go flacid @ CNN. Guess a smorgasborg of effluvium will regurgitate from Blitzer's suck.


Special Hen
Feb 4, 2009
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NBC is using the phrase "Domestic Terrorist" repeatedly. They're continuing to talk about how since 9/11, we're no safer than we were...

Almost as if the NDAA isn't enough - we need to hand our government more power.

Yep. For all of the tinfoilers out there, feast your eyes on this:

While there is no confirmation yet on whether the blasts were the result of a terrorist attack, Stevenson said something he saw before the race was unusual.

"At the starting line this morning, they had bomb sniffing dogs and the bomb squad out there," he said. "They kept announcing to runners not to be alarmed, that they were running a training exercise."

He added, "I've run a lot of races like this one, but I never saw bomb dogs at the starting line of any running event. It led me to believe that something like (a bomb detonation) might have happened."

Same guy in another interview:

Stevenson told Local 15 that “they kept making announcements to the participants do not worry, it’s just a training exercise.” Stevenson also mentioned that he saw spotters on the rooftops during the start of the race and much more security than the usual marathon.

“Evidently, I don’t believe they were just having a training exercise,” Stevenson told Local 15. “I think they must have had some sort of threat or suspicion called in.”


Another thing with interesting timing, dated 4/12/2013:

Boston EMS is deploying a new, off-the-shelf, lightweight mobile device for the first time at the Boston Marathon on April 15.

The platform, from SafetyPAD, is intended for use in mass-casualty situations gives EMS personnel the ability to carry into crowds and assess a patient upon arrival, document in realtime, transmit data to transport units before they arrive, and other features.

Boston EMS will utilize the new Android-based program for bike and gator teams along race route.


Special Hen
Jan 24, 2006
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Ponca City
For those who are hoping that the truth will be brought to light in this, think Bengazi, Fast and furious, ect. This administration will twist the event into what they want it to be, then use it to their advantage. Wait and watch.


Special Hen
Jan 23, 2013
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The only peroxides i have had any experience with was ap, and it was very small amounts for obvious reasons. If its small enough and isnt confined, and preferably damp, it would deflagrate with similar speed as the video, and the residue was an almost imperceptible oily light brown. Confined in amounts over 1 gram ( i know, pretty small, but it is a primary after all) had much more brisance than what the vid showed, but the flame color was similar. As far as residue goes, i dont remember seeing any. However, since ap has been the choice of cheap terrorists all over the world it would not surprise me if it was used as the detonator.

If an O3 compound was used to kick the main charge, then you probably wouldn't be able to see it in the midst of the main. It would be consumed by the bulk of the blast pretty quickly. You would have to analyze the videos and pics with a lot more detail than my equipment is capable of.


Special Hen
Feb 11, 2013
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With the 'police state' of most major cities, where you can't travel 1 city block without appearing on at least survellaince cams; WHY IS THERE NO VIDEO?

My first thought on the blast was black-powder, but whatever the compoound, we were lucky(?) with only 3 deaths.

Prez thinks it's domestic grown because it's "tax day". Must be the Tea Party, not muslim ........................... HORSESHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's sickos, it's TERRORISTS, just say it.


Special Hen
Feb 28, 2008
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Ok, so from what I watched last night before I finally passed out this is what I got from it. The original first suspect is no longer a suspect. Many people were questioned & like usual people started spreading alot of false information. Death toll right now is 3 officially with approx. 140 injured accounted for. Lots of critical injured patients who could possibly die from wounds, many were still in surgeries. suspected truck was cleared & they had said when I went to bed it was official that there was only 2 total bombs, the rest could not be confirmed to be explosives at that time. Only packages that had been handled & destroyed as bombs. Not sure I believe that though. At the time I passed out they had no suspects or motives yet & admitted they wouldn't till they had time to process the scene. Then this morning I see they announce they raided an apartment leaving with things they are not disclosing yet. Also have a suspect seen on video wearing 2 backpacks leaving the area shortly before the first blast.

This stinks, something doesn't seem right about this. No one has claimed responsibility & regardless if people overseas are making rude comments about it, no one has stepped up & said we did it & you can be hit at home America. This leads me to believe it was a test run or worse, set-up. Today I believe they begin debating gun control, what better spring board than a tragic incident to flare emotions. Whats sad is it should be a wake up call to every single person in this country. what people have been screaming for months for politicians to hear was proven true yesterday. Guns do not cause mass damage & loss of life, crazy people do. Between the college stabbing incident & this bombing that should provide enough evidence that more laws will not stop this. You can't stop crazy, you can only hope to contain it & limit the damage it can cause. They need to start looking into why people are doing these things, that is far more important than forcing more laws on innocent citizens which make up 90% of our population. Limiting our rights is not going to lower crime, period. It will never stop things like this. It's far past time Washington & every politician around our country wake up & acknowledge this fact.

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