If the gubberment payed in the dollar for dollar the original system was supposed to work under, it would be solvent except for the two times the government has raided the SS system which contributed to the mess it is now.You’re wrong about how social security works
You generally have to earn a certain number of credits to draw benefits (currently 40) unless you are in a qualifying category of people who get to draw without having paid into the system.
And fwiw there’s a fairly sizable number of folk in that category who draw benefits but never paid into the system.
Additionally only 4% of the population are defined as never beneficiaries by the Social Security AdminIstration
Social Security is socialism do you really think you’re gonna draw the money you paid in ? That’s not how it works, someone else paid for you or is currently paying for you, that’s always how Social Security has worked.It’s a mandatory participation system and you don’t get to opt out.
One of the reasons Social Security is becoming insolvent is because the ratio of people paying into the system supports beneficiaries has been shrinking for decades. It’s currently around 2 : 1 where it previously was as much higher .
The gubberment has never contributed the first dollar they were obligated to.
I paid into the system all of my life. I'm just getting my money back. If I live long enough I will.