Oh please. Take a look at half the trolls on this website now. All the bleeding heart, price gouger a from Armslist that have come over here. They would argue with a brick. Most make condescending, snide, arrogant comments to anyone they don’t agree with. God forbid anyone have their own opinion about anything over here. Then don’t even try to tell me the name calling doesn’t begin with them. Wether it is outright or on the sly, it exists. I thought Mods were supposed to remain neutral towards members? Your bias towards and obvious dislike of the man are shining through quite nicely right now.Calling people F-ing stupid and cussing them out for different views is not "pushing buttons" it is childish...... On occasion he was funny , but on occasion he was just a **** . The mods did zero cancel culture on him , in fact they tried hard to get him to quit the crappy behavior and he played the numbers game with the warnings/ban rules until someone got their belly full and perm banned him. You guys do not see the reports we get on folks constantly for rules violations and with Clay it was daily..... in fact when he was on a role it was several times a day..................... Again , why should we subject our selves to that behavior?